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On The Bamboo Flute Concerto "Eagle Love"

Posted on:2018-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ManFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The?Eagle love?as early deep ethnic characteristics of the bamboo flute concerto,from its unique ethnic flavor to the work performance are worthy of our flute enthusiasts to study and discuss the.This article is divided into six chapters to discuss the work.The first part through the analysis of the "Eagle love" creative background,composer and the composer's intention to explain the origin of the work,but also through the significance of understanding the origin of this works to locate this piece.The second chapter mainly go into the inner Xinjiang ethnic music elements,mainly aimed at further works of individuality and commonness,also in the works is the Tajik national music personality and Xinjiang ethnic music are common.Through the analysis of the material to determine the whole works of national and national significance.The third chapter is the comparative analysis of the same style of work,the spring of pamir.Both similarities and differences with the bottom to better highlight the "Eagle" love this piece in the same type of bamboo in the works of individuality and commonness.The fourth chapter and the fifth chapter is about the performance of the players in the specific performance of the problem and the way to deal with.Trying to demonstrate and illustrate the practical significance of this work from the performance.The sixth chapter is the summary of the significance of the times,the national significance and the practical significance of this work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Concerto
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