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A Comparative Study Of Duan Yucai And Wang's Father And Son, Shangshu

Posted on:2018-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330515957002Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Duan Yucai from Jintan and Wang Niansun from Gaoyou,along with his son Wang Yinzhi,are representative figures of exegetics in the Qing dynasty.Both Duan Yucai and Wang Niansun had been under the tutelage of Dai Zhen,and they carried forward Dai's academic,being renowned at home and abroad.Shang Shu is one of the key research objects of Duan's and the Wangs',and Exegesis of Shang Shu is an important part of Duan's and the Wangs' research.Duan Yucai once sighed with emotion that Shang Shu,which was most exalted among Confucian classics,suffered the most throughout history.His research on Shang Shu is mainly included in his book Gu Wen Shang Shu Zhuan Yi.The research on Shang Shu is a family tradition of the wangs'.Wang Niansun was able to recite Shang Shu when he was only four years old,and Wang Yinzhi started his research from Shang Shu.The Wangs' research of Shang Shu is concentrated in Jing Zhuan Shi Ci and Jing Yi Shu Wen.From their exegesis of Shang Shu,We can see that Duan Yucai and the Wangs share common points in academic method and attitude.However,they also show distinct characteristics in content focus,style and purpose.However,the comparison between Duan's and the Wang's exegesis of Shang Shu has not been maken already.This paper attempts to fill this research blank inorder to contribute to the study of" Duan Wang ",History of Chinese Traditional Semantics and of Learn History in the Qing dynasty.This paper will be divided into four parts:Part 1:Introduction.In this part,a brief introduction of Duan and the Wangs is given,along with their exegetical studies of Shang Shu.Also,the motive and significance of this paper is pointed out.Finally,the research status is summarized.Part 2:Chapter 1.Analyze the common character of Duan's and the Wangs' exegesis of Shang Shu.This chapter is divided into five sections:Section 1,"Inheritance of the scientific spirit of Dai Zhen",discusses their inheritance and development of Dai Zhen's scientific research method and attitude.Section 2." Revaluation of Zheng Commentary and Kong Commentary",points out that they have tried to rectify the bad academic atmosphere in which Zheng Commentary and Kong Commentary are not estimated fairly.Section 3," Criticism of using Shuo Wen Jie Zi to change the scriptures indiscreetly",points out that Duan and the Wangs argue against those who use Shuo Wen Jie Zi to change the scriptures,and that this mistake is originated from their ignorance of Guise.Section 4 "Promotion of acoustic exegetics" discusses that they use knowledge of phonology in their exegesis and points out that the promotion of acoustic exegetics contributes to the formation of conception of language systems.Section 5,"usage of dialect and colloquial ",points out that they use dialect and colloquial to solve problems.Part 3:Chapter 2 to the Chapter 4.In this part,differences between Duan's and the Wangs'exegesis is pointed out on three aspects:the content,the style and the purport..As the length of this part is long,it is divided into 3 chapters.Chapter 2 points out that Duan emphasizes words,including description of semantic,while the Wangs emphasize grammar,including function words and syntax.Chapter 3 points out their differences in style.Duan shows the differences between Jin Wen and Gu Wen by analysis of scripture derivatives and of different viewpoints on classics,which embodies his excellent ability of analyzing.He also analyzes Shu Fa and Gu Jing Yong Zi Yi Li.The Wangs often determine the meaning of a word in Shang Shu from its context,the whole book,and even other Literature works,which shows their penetrating wisdom.Chapter 4 discusses their differences in purport.Duan prefer to clarify previous commentaries while the Wangs often criticize them.Part 4:Chapter 5.Conclude the effect of Duan Yucai's and the Wangs' exegetics of Shang Shu,and Evaluate them.Duan Yucai makes outstanding contributions by analyzing the differences between Jin Wen and Gu Wen in words and comments,which helps the transition from literature discrimination studies to Jinwen Classics studies.Wang Niansun and Wang Yinzhi get great achievement in exegetics of Shang Shu,which is widely commended by later scholars such as Yu Yue,Sun Yirang and Zhang Taiyan.Duan's and The Wangs' exegetics of Shang Shu is such a fortune that gives later generations enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comparative
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