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The Classicization And Officialization Of The Six Arts From The Qin Dynasty To The Western Han Dynasty

Posted on:2018-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330515458453Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Western Zhou Dynasty,Guoxue in primary school and university points.Primary school taught by the content is ritual,music,shooting,royal,book,number,as “small art”,is “kid of science”;University of the contents of the teachings of poetry,books,rituals,music,easy,spring and autumn,as “big art”.Both belong to the official school of this period.Subjects learn to sprinkle,respond,advance and retreat in elementary school before the age of 15,learn the most basic skills;After entering the university to study the poor mind,repair the people of the Road,that is,“adult way”.Through the specific analysis of the content of “Liu Yi”,we can see that the “Six Arts” in the Western Zhou Dynasty has both civil and military emphasis,both of both cultural and cultural qualities,moral cultivation and the unity of knowledge and practice.And to the Spring and Autumn period social unrest,ritual music bad,“chaos is the school does not repair”,the official lost the survival of the soil,after all,decline.In the official school,abjection of the nobility and officials who constitute the early “disabilities” class,they have their own learning,the search for the road,granted the folk,here is academic down.Among these private schools,the best,the largest,the most far-reaching impact on future generations is undoubtedly Confucius.Confucius by writing Classic of Songs,Classic of Documents,Classic of Rituals,Classic of Music,praise Classic of Changes,as Classic of Spring and Autumn,compiled “six” as a textbook professor to students.But it is worth noting that this “six classics” before the existence of Confucius,is the Chinese school in the “art”.On the “six classics” argument no later than the mid-war in the Warring States period has appeared,the Warring States period when the prevalence of six religions,mainly due to the efforts of Kongmen after school.However,it is important to note that the “six classics” of this period belong to the common school of the various schools and are not proprietary to the Confucian school.In the early Han Dynasty,the country's economic depression,political instability,how to maintain the regime has become the most concerned about the issue of the rulers.In this social background,some scholars of the Confucian school Bingzhe conform to the attitude of the times,and strive to seek the combination of Confucianism and the unity of power,Confucianism began to revive.Through the further analysis of the “six classics”,to the establishment of the “Five Classics” and the further development of the Biography of the Five Dynasties,this process is form the Confucius “compromise in the six arts” to the Si Meng School and Xunzi,the Classicization of “Six Classics”.In addition,the Confucian scholars in the Han Dynasty as the most important professor of Confucian classics,namely,Classic of Songs,Classic of Documents,Classic of Rituals,Classic of Music,Classic of Changes,Classic of Spring and Autumn and related Confucian classics.Which makes the relationship between Confucius and the education of the six countries more inseparable,which also determines the Confucian ideology in education in the official status.Therefore,the “six classics” for the teaching of Confucianism gradually laid its official status,Confucianism was identified as the official ideology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Six Arts, Six Classics, education
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