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Spiritual Salvation Under The Subculture Landscape

Posted on:2017-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330512967885Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Subculture refers to an area or a certain conception of the collective and way of life in the background of dominant or comprehensive culture.It not only contains value and philosophy of life which are related to the main cultureand it also has its own special value and way of discourse.Subculture is culture of a group, its variability reflects the contention of the cultural discourse?The influx of western post-modern cultureprovides the Chinese subculture with the survival of the soil, Under such background, NingHao's film quickly occupied the Chinese film market in its own way. "Devil of a genius director "Ning Hao's work imitated the style of the director Guy Ritchie in its early time,and it has the style of postmodernism.After that, his a few works and "crazy" series of discrepancy are different, but Ning Hao's consistent subculture landscape elements is blended among them, and five films have different level charts to show the meaning of salvation.The focus of this article is divided into four chapters: The first chapter defines the concept and scope of Ning Hao's film and subculture, analyzes the origin and contact between his film and subculture, and it plays a thick lay in writing.The second chapter, from Ning Hao's movie "the Family", "Crazy Cars", "Crazy Stones", "The Gold Heist", "No Man's Land", the main character in great way to put the marginalization, bizarre image practice, as well as some special scene space analysis, presents Ning Hao's subculture landscape in the movie. The third chapter analysed his film's spirit of the kernel.By his salvation in the path of the subject, object of salvation, redemption, and redeem the symbolic expression of a spiritual kernel of his movie-redemption significance.The fourth chapter talks about his film under the landscape of subculture.The subculture of his film under the landscape spirit is not only the traditional rebellious and deconstruction, more to return to the mainstream trend of morality and value systems. Ning Hao's film has its unique feature, not only occupies a certain market, screenings and formed its own unique style, but also gradually formed a subculture belongs to the trend of the mainstream culture. Is Subculture collected by the dominant culture?How to inherite and develop his movies?These are all worth thought about.This article aims to analyze Ning Hao's subculture elements in the film, through its characterization to explore the redemption of the deep meaning of his film, at the same time reflects on subculture of Ning Hao's landscape film.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hao Ning, Subculture Landscape, the Meaning of Salvation
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