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The "new" Pattern In Contemporary Art—the “appropriation” And Its Expression In The Art Of Painting

Posted on:2017-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K RanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As Danto said,since the 1960's art industry has entered a can be called "post historical period"(post-history)stage,the "history" of contemporary art,the obvious characteristic in this period.In the art world,showing a pluralistic landscape,can be said to be anything.May be art,at the same time,any landscape may also be transformed into works of art in the elements.Based on Warhol's "Brillo box" as the representative,"the art of the free dance finally out of the world history history of arbitrary rules and a single track",before Danto referred to the "historical period" Compared to Europe and the United States,produced capital goods gradually developed under the background of pop art and the art has many "new" motif elements and creative forms,these elements form the motif of art works of the "new" schema,this paper also discusses the "viewpoint".So,this period of time how artists,the formation of a new vision of art,in their works appeared to change what art motif? In the performance of these new motif of what creation breakthrough? Art and social thinking of these new forms of art and related to our contemporary artistic creation and humanistic thinking what are the Some inspiration and guidance? This paper will be based on the contemporary art of painting the "appropriation" which is a representative form and creation method of analysis and sort out to try to answer them,and on the basis of the creation of their own thinking is reconsidering a meaningful.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary Art, The new schema, Embezzlement
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