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A Study Of The Psychological Biographies Of Qi Hongming's Personality Traits

Posted on:2017-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330485496387Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Psychobiography is method, which use theories and methods of psychology to explain the life of individual character and their personality. First, this research widely reading Ku hung-ming's work in both Chinese and English, materials of memoirs and evaluation form his friends and colleagues. Alexander and Schultz respectively put forward "Indicators of Saliency" and "The Prototypical Scene", Based on the theory above, we explore the key factors of growth from Ku hung-ming's life story in early experience, physical self and role model. Second, according to Erikson's theory of personality development phase analysis Ku hung-ming personality formation stage, establish the personality types, and collect evidences to prove the assumption, and verify his personality. Finally, this study structure a theory about spirituality form the perspective of Chinese traditional Confucian and Taoist culture, which is theoretical innovation in chapter three. Contrast the Spirituality between Chinese and western culture value system, from cognitive, emotional and behavior to explore Chinese traditional culture. We can use the theory to analysis Ku hung-ming's spirituality characteristics in whole.The conclusions of this study are as follows: Ku hung-ming was born in a mixed-race family that makes him has an excellent language talent. He was proficient in nine languages. His father Gu ziyun say to Ku hung-ming "you never forget you are Chinese," his father asked him not to cut his braid nor join into the Christian. In Ku hung-ming's childhood, he has established a sense of national identity. When the time he studied abroad, his braid was mocked as "pig tail". Because of the poor of China, he suffered discrimination and unfair treatment, he become inferiority, his achievement in study can't offset the inferiority, which has made him anxiety and anger. Thomas Carlyle was the tutor to Ku hung-ming, Thomas Carlyle had a profound impact on Ku hung-ming for the restoring ancient ways of a conservative political view. At the same time, Ku hung-ming know romantic thoughts very much, such as Emerson and Goethe, these people prompted Ku hung-ming reflection for western material civilization, and pay attention to person's inner spiritual world and moral sentiment. Ku hung-ming back to home and try his best to study the Confucian culture, improving his internal spirit. After foreign-educated, Ku hung-ming became the person his father's family expected. Ku hung-ming translation "The Discourses and Saying of Confucius", "The Universal Order or Conduct of Life" and "Higher Education" in English. He wrote "The Spirit of The Chinese", "Chinese Plea for The Cause of Good Government and True Civilization in China" in English and promoted western charm of Confucian culture, he thought Confucian "moral civilization" can save the world. Learning Confucian culture is his inner pursuit, and completed social self with "social responsibility". Ku hung-ming have different role identities between Chinese and western, which makes him become paranoid personality traits. Ku hung-ming is a philosophers, he embodies the spirit of Confucian. In conclusion, Ku hung-ming stick to Confucian culture is the cause of his inner spiritual world shock by the outside world. He is inferiority in childhood, he come back and explore the Confucian culture, realized his personal value and tried his best to explore the road of national salvation.The purpose of this research: first, under the social background of introduces, we explore why Ku hung-ming dedicated to Chinese traditional culture all his life time; Second, we explore the personal identity development of Ku hung-ming and test the applicability of the psychological theory at the same time; Third, we can clarify Ku hung-ming's main characteristics and reason of personality; Fourth, we can structure the "spiritual" theory under the background of Chinese traditional Confucian and Taoism culture; Fifth, we can explore Ku hung-ming's spiritual development levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychobiography, Spirituality, Ku hung-ming, Personality, Identity Crisis
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