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Distorted Dynamics - Exploring The Spiritual World Of Egon Schiller

Posted on:2016-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The expression of dynamic art in Egon Schiller's paintings is the main research point of this thesis.At the end of the 19 th century-the beginning of the 20 th century,social,economic,political turbulence,people denounced the absurd and cruel of the war.disaster,doomsday and fear interleaving together.In the new world situation,a large number of new genres emerge including the expressionism.Schiller as the outstanding representative of the Vienna secession,one of the expressionist painter at the end of nineteenth Century.His 28 years' life is like a nine day's wonder,but shining great splendor of Europe and even the whole world.From the start with the era of the brand,Schiller had already be provided with the strong subjective desire.His works clearly revealed his strong grip of the characters,he boldly made a frank description of the nature of the distortion in the body of the desire and the fear of death,which reflects Schiller's passion and anxiety.The sincere and the interpretation of human nature in the works makes us clearly feel the power of dynamic in his works.To get a thro ugh understanding of the creation of an artist,we must understand his social cultural environment,his experience and ideas,and so on.Creative artists are carried out in a certain environment,only this can we see the works of the original meaning,prob lems encountered to the feelings of the artist,so as to truly understand the innovation of artists,and realizing the biggest revelation he gave.Schiller's artistic creation individuality,and his works all release in his short life has the headstall,unruly,show the past of painting legalistic forceful resistance.As an artist,it is particularly important that he has always had the courage to take his keen intuition,daring to expose the true secrets of the human soul.I hope that through the study of Schiller's art experience and the background of the times,to reveal the mystery of his art.How he has given his work so distorted and dynamic.This article is divided into four chapters.The first chapter explains the meaning of the dynamic,and then analyzes the formation stage and characteristics of the movement from the perspective of art history.The second section we will study Schiller's growth experience and exploring the reasons for the formation of Schiller's unique personality.Schiller adolescence is because of father's death cause of mother,this experience let his rebellious character quirks and resulting in his adult depression and narcissism.The second section is the changing of Schiller's art style,first of all is Schiller Krim art style of the teacher,Schiller later on the painting style of exploration gradually influenced from Krim,and formed his own unique painting language.Second is the social background of the new art of the for mation of the genre and the growth of the emotions to promote the formation of Schiller's unique artistic style.The third chapter is the most important part of the article,be in progress of deep analysis for innervation art and pure formal beauty through the four aspects of Schiller's works.In the first aspect,the paper analyzes Schiller's works from the line and the grotesque color,which is an important symbol.The second aspects are the most direct external form,which is the most direct external form of Schiller's works,which brings the viewer's strong visual effect.Fourth aspects,the third aspects,the sex and desire of the characters,is the embodiment of the spirit level.The fourth chapter is the experience in Schiller's works.His painting style for which actively influenced the modern artistes.This is also the importance to explore the innervation art in Schiller's works.
Keywords/Search Tags:painting language, performance, dynamic, Schiller, twist
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