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On Yan Lianke's "Godism" And Novel Creation

Posted on:2016-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330470469199Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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From 1979 published "Tianma Story" to the publication of a new book, "burst Chi" last year, has been carried out by Yan thirty years of literary creation, prolific achievement not only by Yan became the first line of contemporary literary writers, and he also made by Yan the work became an important presence can not be ignored by critics. By Yan's early works, has been at the stage of an exploration and imitation, although wrote the touching "Yao ditch series" means a rich folk "Tokyo nine countries figure series", as well as their experiences and insights with "peace brigade" series, but in addition to the "two-way hometown", attracted attention outside critics, compared with Su Tong and Yu Hua, Ge Fei such pioneer writers, by Yan seems to still tepid, but since in Palow after the mountains in the background, "Palow series" show in front of the reader, by Yan realized the true meaning of a certain literary, literature found sustenance their ideal "world" created by Yan readers allegory of the world feel mysterious, magical, brutal, bizarre and a bit of atmosphere associated with our real life. By Yan's face on the label of a variety of theories to explain the naming and critics, by Yan himself was not satisfied with the continuous process of writing, by Yan own reading, writing and thinking combined with his own "discovery fiction " This theory works to explain his own creative style- " God of realism. " Meanwhile, he will this "god realism" theory to practice, with its own performance to justify the creation of what is "God realism" for the understanding of Chinese history and contemporary society relations, the moment people's mental outlook and essence provides a new path.In this paper, by carefully reading the text of the novel by Yan, combined with previous research data and learn from previous research results, sort by Yan from entering after nearly all literary works, combined with his "discovery novel" On this article the theoretical explanation, system demonstration by Yan "God realism" and his novels. Paper is divided into three chapters, with "God realist" theory to explain the point to begin to analyze and probe the impact and significance of the novels by Yan. Paper is divided into three chapters, with "God realist" theory to explain the point to begin to analyze and probe the impact and significance of the novels by Yan. The first chapter from the definition of "God realism" to start, and to distinguish the difference in detail and realism by Yan eyes, revealing the "god realism" of the formation process, noting that the essence of "God realism" and its presentation special mood. The second chapter is to analyze the "god realism" on the novel by Yan breakthrough innovation is divided into three sections: one for "looking" and "home" to explore the theme of art, by Yan always create a unique environment, and these two art theme which resides; Second Strangeness changing "real God" language, the language is first presented to the reader, and thus a unique language is directly outside of the author's thinking, analytical language novel by Yan, for understanding "of God realism " is also a very good help; third is " God realism " in the form of exploration, " strangeness " is the theme of the 20 th century in the form of Western literature, by Yan deep essence of which is to be applied to the practice of his novel which, while "God realism" is inspired from the literary works of Western thinking and reading them all. The third chapter is from the "God of realism" on the novels by Yan to analyze the impact and limitations, "God realism" in providing readers with a new path, a new understanding of the reality of the outside, "God realism" itself there are some limitations, the authors reveal the social problems in a hurry, while the proposed method does not solve the problem, but in a series of novels written by Yan there are repeated one-dimensional, which is the author's need to overcome. The conclusion of the above three chapters summarize, any theory is not a panacea, "God realism" is also true, in recognition of its positive role, and pointed out the limitations of its existing, which is to make "God realism" and creation of more sophisticated beneficial research and exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:"God realism", by Yan, novels, impact and limitations
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