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An Analysis Of The Necessity Of Promoting The International Standard Of Chinese Medicine Hanxi Translation

Posted on:2019-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H E V A YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2354330545996847Subject:Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
One of the factors that determines the acceptance of a science by the scientific communi-ty,is the existence of an established terminology that can be utilized by all the professionals involved in the sector.The existence of terminology also implies there is a background struc-ture of knowledge of the science.The establishment of accepted terminology guarantees pre-cision of understanding in the communication between professionals.Spanish is the official language of Spain and 18 countries in Latin America.It is one of the six official languages of the UN.It is the third most widely used language on the internet(7.8%of the total)after Chinese and English.The use of the Spanish language is indisputably wide ranging.This work highlights the need for the promotion of a standard translation of basic Chi-nese-Spanish terminology for Chinese medicine,translating directly from Chinese to Spanish.The work is divided into two fundamental parts:1.In the first part,we do an analysis of the results obtained in the questionnaire completed by both translators responsible for translating traditional and specific Chinese medical terminology from Chinese to Spanish and students studying Chinese medicine using Chinese language.Finally,we did a questionnaire in which we asked a range of 11 different questions(both open and closed).The questionnaire was prepared with two groups of people in mind:translators responsible for translating traditional and specific Chinese medical terminology from Chinese to Spanish and students studying Chinese medicine using Chinese language.The first question in the questionnaire was designed to establish the level of knowledge the translators had about technical terminology in Chinese medical diagnosis,and the Chinese language ability of the native Spanish speaking students before they completed the questions.We established the relationship between the questions we were investigating and the corresponding questions in the questionnaire.To obtain the information in relation to question number 1 of our investigation "what is the current level of accessibility and quality of the Chinese-Spanish bilingual material in Chinese medical diagnosis?" we asked questions 2,3,4 and 9 in both questionnaires.To obtain the information in relation to question number 2 of our investigation "what is the need for the existence of a new bilingual document that reconciles all the specific terminology in Chinese medical diagnosis?" we asked questions 10 and 11 in both questionnaires.The reason for asking question number 10 establishing the level of satisfaction of the native Spanish speaking students during their clinical practice was to establish a relationship between the quality of translation and the level of enjoyment of the students.Finally,to obtain the information in relation to question number 3 of our investigation"what are the most frequent mistakes or difficulties encountered at the time of translating and understanding technical terms in Chinese medical diagnosis?" we asked questions 5,6,7 and 8 in both questionnairesWe tried as much as possible to keep the order of the questions the same in both questionnaires.This was to facilitate in the comparative analysis afterwards.The questionnaire given to the students:for the analysis and subsequent interpretation of the open questions we proceeded to group together the similar responses in terms of types of errors.To ensure that the questionnaire was valid and reliable we decided upon an optimal number of 30 respondents for both questionnaires,so there were 60 respondents in total.The time and place for the completion of the questionnaires was Beijing between the months of December 2016 and January 2017 with the support of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion SocietiesThe information processing and analysing of the results were done with the SPSS system and the graphs were done in ExcelThe second part called:" PROPOSAL FOR THE CORRECTIONS OF THE MISTAKES AND INCONGRUENCIES BETWEEN THE CHINESE AND SPANISH VERSIONS OF THE BOOK "?????".We used the book "?????" as our reference for the principal information in this part along with it' s Spanish version“Guia de estudio de Medicina China:Diagnostico",published by the editorial“???????/people's medical publishing house" with the principal author“??? " who is the professor and supervisor of PhD students,recognised by the government and director of studies of Diagnostico en Medicina China" in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.This book constitutes the basis of the material used by Chinese students of Chinese Medicine at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and the other medical universities in China.For that reason,we analysed the book as an example of the mistakes and incongruencies.At the same time,we did a comparison with its Spanish version,establishing correlations between translations of each term.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Medicine
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