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Professor Zhao Gang's Experience In Treating Refractory Renal Hematuria

Posted on:2016-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W T FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2354330470477975Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Renal hematuria hematuria is refers to the source in the glomerular, ex cept impact urinary calculi, inflammation, tumor and other diseases of the urinary tract of hematuria. The main features of renal hematuria is shown w hen the urine routine microscopic examination of redcells per high power fi eld is greater than 3 and urinary erythrocyte deformity rate greater than 80%. Common to all kinds of primary glomerular diseases with secondary glome rular disease,and renal recurrent hematuria, lingering, otherwise intractab le renal hematuria.Renal hematuria in China traditional medicine become "dr own" "hematuria", "bloody urine".Professor Zhao Gang used the theory of tra ditional Chinese medicine based on the analysis of renal hematuria combined with his own clinical experience of more than 20 years in treatment of ren al hematuria, think of refractory renal hematuria disease mainly in the kid ney, also has an important relationship with the other organs. Intractabl e renalhematuria is a chronic disease belongs to deficiency syndrome, defic iency syndrome is an important manifestation of the internal organs functio n decline, and hematuria deficiencydisease pathogenesis is not imaginary fi re burns the blood network of vulva and Qi blood can not be taken, therefor e, yin deficiency and Qi deficiency of Zang Fu organs is the mainpathogenes is of refractory renal hematuria due to. And long into the network, a chron ic disease will stasis, stasis blockage of collaterals by blood is unusual way and escape from the vessels, further aggravating the hematuria, therefo re the silt is also an importantpathogenic factors of refractory renal hema turia. Visible intractable renal hematuriadisease with deficiency, deficien cy, the complexity of the situation. Zhao teacher fromkidney yin deficiency, Qi deficiency and deposition of refractory renal hematuria totreatment, f our diagnostic methods to Qi, nourishing yin and removing blood stasis,supp lemented by the principle of treatment is the main treatment, also pay attention to the effect of disease patients usually life daily life, has obtain edthe good curative effect in clinical treatment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intractable renal hematuria, Professor Zhao Gang, Chinese medicin e treatment
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