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On The Legal Protection Of Farmers' Environmental Rights

Posted on:2018-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiFull Text:PDF
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The continuous development of economy brings the negative effect of main performance for the worsening of environmental problem,which makes the concept of environmental right and gradually become the pursuit of a new type of people.Environmental problems,as it were,has been more and more attention,but in our country,especially the environmental problems in rural areas,but more and more serious.The rural environment suffered serious damage,main show is urban industrial pollution to the transfer of the rural areas,such as water pollution,garbage pollution,etc.For farmers,no doubt,is a fatal blow,the difference of urban and rural development in our country,peasants' awareness of environmental protection is very lack,and protect their own environmental right level is extremely limited,urban development bring consequences for rural residents to bear,this is obviously unfair,and construct a fair,justice,equality and harmony of society under the rule of law is also in conflict,therefore,to protect the farmers' environmental right is very necessary,conform to the requirements of The Times.This article through the introduction to environmental right leads to the farmers'environmental right,on the basis of the analysis,found that the farmer's physical environment rights suffered great damage,such as water pollution,soil pollution,air pollution,etc.In procedural rights,farmers' right to know,to participate and enjoy the is not very complete,with the rural environment exists defects in legislation,law enforcement,judicial,law-abiding have larger contact.In order to protect the farmers'environmental right,this paper combined with the present situation of the peasants'environmental right and the protection of the difficulties in the process of,hopes to improve the legislation about the protection of farmers' environment,constantly improve the law enforcement level,fair and justice,law-abiding awareness.The implementation of urban and rural dual system in the equality of rights.
Keywords/Search Tags:environmental right, farmers' environmental right, Law protect
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