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Xi Jinping's Ecological Thought Research

Posted on:2017-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2351330488494383Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecological Xing is civilized, ecological decline is civilization decline. The party's eighteen is put forward for the first time for China to build a beautiful and will be incorporated into the construction of ecological civilization to one of five socialist construction general layout, which fully demonstrates the importance of construction of ecological civilization. Xi Jinping has always attached importance to ecological problems, from the early years of work in the countryside and to later in the different regions, different jobs, until now as a national leader, his problems on the construction of ecological civilization were in-depth study, published a large number of speeches and statements, instructions, contains rich ecological thoughts.The main content of this paper includes five chapters:In the first chapter, the background of the formation of Xi Jinping's ecological thought. The ecological thought of the classical writers of Marx's doctrine and the ecological thoughts of the leaders of the past dynasties have formed the main theoretical source of Xi Jinping's ecological thought. Since the founding of our country in the two aspects of the ecological problems of experience, especially since the reform and opening up to solve the ecological problems of contemporary China's specific practice is the basis for the formation of Xi Jinping's ecological thought.The second chapter, the forming process of Xi Jinping's ecological thought. Xi Jinping ecological thought according to time dimension can be roughly divided into four stages: embryonic stage (1969-1982), (assumed different positions from workshop level till corporate level), the development period (1993-2012) and the deepening stage gn2012-(so far), experienced a process of enriched and developed in practice on the basis.The third chapter, the basic content of Xi Jinping's ecological thought and its distinctive features. Xi Jinping ecological thinking is very rich, its core content can be summarized into three basic aspects: Xing Xing is the civilization ecological, ecological failure failure is civilization; Guanghui is jinshanyinshan; change mode of development, promote the development of green. The distinctive feature of the ecological thought, including the vision of global strategic thinking and overall planning of collaborative systems thinking, adjust measures to local conditions of pioneering innovation and thinking, pragmatic reliable practice thinking and people-oriented people's livelihood humanism thinking.The fourth chapter, the philosophical implication of Xi Jinping's ecological thought. The ecological ideas of Xi Jinping adhere to the basic standpoint of Marxism materialism, contains rich connotation of dialectics, show that the Marxist epistemological perspective, reflects the history of Marxism outlook.The fifth chapter, the important value of Xi Jinping's ecological thought. At the theoretical level, Xi Jinping's ecological thought is not only the inheritance and development of Marx's thought of ecological civilization, but also the development of the idea and wisdom of the socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics. In practice, Xi Jinping ecological thought to guide the solve the ecological problems in the contemporary China, promote one of five coordinated development and social progress has important value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, ecological idea, Marxism
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