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Empirical Research On The Prevention And Control Of Vibration Pollution

Posted on:2016-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N HuFull Text:PDF
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China economic construction has made remarkable achievements, the society is experiencing great changes, but the environmental pollution accidents occur frequently, the range of types of pollution and environmental pollution have been hitherto unknown expansion potential. The occurrence of sudden environmental pollution accident, environment pollution is gradually developing from the economically developed southeast coastal area, the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing Tianjin and Hebei area to inland, from city to rural development. Types of environmental pollution also diversified trend, gradually expanded from the traditional air pollution, water pollution, solid waste pollution type to the light pollution, electromagnetic radiation pollution, vibration pollution model.Vibration pollution is emerged in recent years as new types of pollution, pollution dispute case has been the number of vibration occurred in the domestic, especially vibration pollution and city traffic facilities along the line of great concern. For example: Beijing Daxing line subway vibration pollution case, Shanghai Metro Line 1 case, vibration pollution Guangdong No. 1 subway line vibration pollution case. In addition, China is engaged in a large-scale high-speed railway construction, can be expected in the near future with the High-speed Rail train traffic along its will occur some vibration pollution case. Vibration pollution is still in the initial stage in the study of China's environmental law, provisions of the documents in the legal environment is also very insufficient, how to resolve the legal dispute vibration pollution is a problem in front of environmental law and environmental legislation of workers, the research is of great significance.The provisions in the domestic vibration pollution in legal documents are very simple, only the "environmental protection law" the forty-second the first principles of vibration pollution is one of the types of China's environmental pollution and pollution prevention and control, should be. In addition, the national ministries regulations only "city regional environmental vibration standard"(GB10070- 88) and "city region" vibration measurement method(GB10071- 88) regulations. These two provisions are also environmental standards promulgated by the state in eighty's of the last century, has been difficult to adapt to China's current social and economic development of the situation, to perfect vibration pollution prevention and control law and the legal system has been imminent.International environmental law countries have made some attempts in the vibration of the vibration pollution prevention, pollution prevention and control legislation and related legal system has been established, and a relatively complete, through the research of Japan, Germany, France and other countries, American vibration pollution prevention and control of related legal system, analyzes its comparatively perfect laws and regulations and a more mature legal system, learn from the mature experience, has carried on the beneficial exploration for the improvement of vibration pollution prevention and control law of China and the relevant legal system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vibration, Vibration Pollution, Environmental Pollution, Legal System
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