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A Study On The Information Technology Agreement (ITA) Of WTO

Posted on:2017-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
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Information Technology Agreement under the rule of WTO, a plural-lateral agreement,was reached under the Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products in Singapore,1996 China, our country, had the ratification to have accession to join this agreement in 2003 after we had been a member of World Trade Organization. Since then, there was a severe challenge and better opportunity for our information technology industry faced with the Go-Out Strategy. The final ITA expansion outcome has been concluded which had some significant modification in the field of product range in the Tenth Ministerial Conference of the WTO in December2015 of Nairobi,Kenya.Hence, there is a necessity to study on the ITA from the aspects of its history, disputes over the implementation of the agreement and difficulties in its operation. Then,we can have a clear opinion to the strategic upgrading in IT industry.This paper, first, study on America, Japan adopting domestic legislation in the full implementation of ITA, make IT industry strategy and analysis on present development situation of IT industry.Which can provide some successful experience on our IT industry development. Meanwhile, this paper have a retrospect of the birth and the development condition and have a comment on the content of main bodies of the ITA to explain the problems that exists in the process of applying its utility.Whereas, the main body consists of dispute settlement,reservation clauses and intellectual property protection. Second,this paper focuses on the reasons and outcome of ITA expansion convention that is the latest achievement of ITA to reveal the necessity and importance to the negotiation of its expansion. The whole development history of ITA is closely linked with our country's obligation and stand as one of the members of the WTO.Finally,this paper learns lessons from international enlightenment and makes adjustment to the relevant national policies to deal with the law issues when our nation faces with ITA. Thus,proposes the basic principle and legal standpoint to the expansion of ITA and gives some reasonable suggestions to the present situation of our IT industry,in order to have some legal support to achieve the improvement of the intelligence on IT products and Made in China 2025.The evolution history of ITA is rather than a developing history of international IT industry and striving history of our nation's becoming an innovation-oriented country.This paper starts from analysis on ITA, puts forwards the opinion on thestandpoints to the problems we will face with the conclusion of the ITA expansion. So that our government can take appropriate policies to support the IT industry in the process to have challenge to IT industry strategy,making this industry grow and develop healthily and rapidly and entering into the international market to have a participation in fair and justice competition.
Keywords/Search Tags:WTO, ITA, expansion outcome, IT industry strategy
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