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Research On Risk Management Of Small Business Loan Transaction Of ICBC Heilongjiang Branch

Posted on:2016-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H CuiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, there is differentiation in our country's economic operation and more downward pressure.In today's complex economic environment, both international and domestic. Commercial bank, in particular, ICBC should provide small firms with finance services and credit support. At the same time, ICBC should manage the risk of small business' loan rationally aim at its hig-risk characteristic. ICBC Heilongjiang branch 's loan business to small firms realized leapfrog development in recent years, but still has great practical significance to study on the current situation of problems and obstacles of ICBC Heilongjiang branch, as well as propose strategy and specific means to develop the loan transaction to small business with consideration of internal and external environment.This paper studies small business' loan risk management of ICBC Heilongjiang branch. First, states current situantion of small business ' loan transaction and the risk, as well as nowaday main methods to control risk, then reexamine risk management of ICBC Heilongjiang branch 's loan transaction to small business and analyze its primary cause. Last, combines with current economic environment, aims at open questions of current risk management, the paper proposes specific measures to intensify risk control at operation step, enhance product innovation and process reformaiton of loan transaction, establish risk assessment model, improve management pattern of loan transaction to small business, and strenghten managers ' consciousness of risks.
Keywords/Search Tags:commercial bank, small business, small business loan transaction, risk management
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