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The Study On Protective Development For The Luoping Biota National Geopark

Posted on:2017-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330488463649Subject:Physical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Luoping Biota National Geopark is located in south-central Luoping County, Qujing City, located in the Kowloon side of the road by the river and waterfalls scenic area. Dawa entire Geopark is divided into sub-fossil park(main campus) and Rooster fengcong Basin Park(Vice Park), mainly in the typical landscape and fossils represented, showing high scientific and aesthetic values. National Geological Park is a special class national natural scenic area of new members, it is mainly shoulder "protection of geological heritage, protection of the natural environment; Earth popularize scientific knowledge, promoting public to improve the quality of science; to carry out tourism activities to promote the local economy and social sustainable development ". However, most national geological park facing inadequate protection and underdeveloped phenomenon, in particular in: "The low-end tourism products and single; narrow surface tourism market, attractive to tourists in general less; tourism infrastructure and supporting service facilities relatively sluggish; tourism body is weak, less competitive, driving effect is not obvious; lack of management talent and marketing talent. "Taking Luoping biota National Geological Park of the study area, the concept of geological heritage through pre-inspection, the meaning and other geological park and reinforce learning in the sustainable development theory, the theory of tourism functional area, cellular theory, understanding the above theory relations with national geological park. Through detailed field investigation and based on national standards will geomorphology geological heritage resources into sections, paleontological, landscape, water landscape four categories, to make qualitative and quantitative evaluation of scientific evaluation by constructing a model to determine the value of its resources. In-depth analysis of geological heritage landscape value Luoping biota National Geological Park, based on the combination of theoretical research front,How to protect them, and how to develop feasible recommendations and measures under the protection of the premise, balanced tourism benefits and geological heritage conservation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luoping Biota, National Geopark, Protection, Development
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