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Research On The CEO Leadership's Influence On A Firm's Performance In Internationalization Path

Posted on:2017-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Jennifer MirallesFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330488459813Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis explores the specific internationalization path of firms from emerging country as China. As well demonstrates the correlation between leadership and Chinese firm's performance for a successful internationalization process. After China "open the door", the country started to be submerged by the implementation of international companies in domestic market. However, in recent years, an increasing number of Chinese firms from different market fields overcome that threats and succeed in the internationalization path. Also there are many factors leading to a companies'success of Chinese firm. As well, we have witnessed that Chinese leaders are expose as management's model related to the successful performance of their company. Is it to wonder how the Chinese firms are positioning against international giant companies? How they succeed on the internationalization path? We wonder how can a leadership influences the internationalization path of Chinese firm?This thesis is a case study of Haier Group, a leader in home appliance market. The first part of analysis is a descriptive research based on mainstream internationalization theories such as positioning for emerging market firms and Uppsala model, in order to analyze the internationalization phenomenon of Chinese firm. The second part of the analysis is an explanatory research based on the flexible leadership theory, in order to test the theory to demonstrate the influence of leadership on firm's performance for an internationalization path. This thesis is mainly based on secondary data, gather from significant and truthful sources of literatures, and more from Haier group official website.We expose a new model considering the impact of the influence of leadership on Chinese firm's performance. This model enhance knowledge for Chinese local company of any kind of field to develop in domestic market and enter into the process of internationalization being aware of the limitations that can occur while considering the effect of the leadership's influence.From the findings, the Chinese firm to overcome the threat of invasion from international competitors in domestic market and on its process of internationalization, it has implemented innovative and creative management systems. Moreover, a flexible leadership's influence by adapting the competitive strategy and enhance organizational effectiveness, still remain adapted to the Chinese firms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Positioning strategy, Uppsala model, Leadership's influence, Internationalization, Firm's perfomance
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