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Empirical Research On The Effect Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Financial Performance In Food Production Enterprises

Posted on:2017-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330485956647Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
CSR has always been the focus of the academic research at home and abroad in recent years, and it is consiste nt wit h the trend of stepped- up moral standard in market econo my. There are ma ny stud ies about the relatio nship between C SR and corporate financ ia l performance, but there is no unified conclus ion. Therefore, the paper did t he research on the effect of C SR on financ ia l per formance in food production enterpr ises to answer these two questio ns: which is w hether CSR of food production enterprises affects financ ial performa nce or not, and how the CSR influences the corporate financial performance.Wit h learning exist ing literature, the paper made the ana lys is of the i mportance and necessity of CSR on the background of producing food. According to the comb ination o f C SR theory, stakeholder theory and research results, the paper divided the C SR into seven parts: s hareholders, creditors, e mployees, suppliers, customers, government a nd community. C hoose two ind icators for each part to measure CSR; Select the account ing index RO E and market index Tobin Q as the enterprise fina ncia l performance indicators; Enterprise scale and fina ncial performance of the previous period were also chosen as control variables.When mak ing the emp ir ical a nalys is by SPSS software, the paper did the several t hings : First, make factor ana lys is whic h could optimize the dimens ions and ind icators of CSR. Next, make descriptive statist ical ana lys is and correlat ion analysis using the princ ipal components w hich coming from factor analys is, Control var iables and the dependent var iable. According to it, the paper could analyze the sit uat ion of the data and the correlatio n between var iables. Fina lly, make the regression analys is on RO E index and Tobin Q index respectively. The paper compared the similar it ies and differences of t he regression ana lys is results, and made more in- depth studies about the effect of CSR on fina ncia l perfo rmance in food production enterprise.The fina l results showed: The CSR of enterpr ises to shareholders, creditors, suppliers, customers, governme nt and community had significant ly posit ive co rrelatio n wit h corporate financ ia l perfor mance; The C SR of emp loyees had no significant relat ionship w ith corporate fina ncia l performance. Genera lly speaking, CSR of food product ion enterprises had posit ive correlat ion w ith financ ia l pe rforma nce. Fina lly, according to the research results, this paper put forward the listed suggest ions for the developme nt of the CSR for food product ion ente rprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food production enterpris es, CSR, Financial performance, Stakeholders
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