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Chinese PICC Henan Branch Of The Company's Marketing Strategy

Posted on:2016-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330485487092Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, China Henan branch of PICC market share and premium growth rate continued to decline, the market share has dropped to 27 percent in 2014, premiums increased by only 1.8%. In the study analysis we found that the market share of premium growth and declining greatly influenced by PICC branch of the existing marketing strategy. Therefore, the Henan branch of PICC conduct a study on the marketing strategy has important practical significance.Main thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the PICC company profile, then Henan branch of PICC financial analysis marketing environment, namely Henan branch of PICC in which the fiscal macro, meso and micro environment analysis, the final section of this chapter of the company SWOT analysis to identify opportunities and challenges PICC fiscal advantages and disadvantages as well as the company's development exist; the second part of the marketing strategy on the status of the description and analysis, and then found some problems PICC Insurance Henan branch of marketing strategies exist, on the product, price, place, promotion and marketing strategy services, there are varying degrees of problems. Admittedly, marketing strategy issues in this series for the declining market share of the company can not shirk responsibility, and finally to analyze the reasons for the company's current marketing strategy problems were analyzed from internal and external reasons, mainly in the external lack of supervision, serious product homogeneity, market positioning is not accurate, inadequate training, and other aspects of unreasonable pricing, leading China Henan branch of PICC produce a series of marketing problems and spread. Wherein the third part of the marketing strategy is the optimization of the core content of this paper were optimized from the product, price, place, promotion, service and other marketing strategies, proposed rationalization strategy. Finally, internal marketing and marketing group. To optimize existing marketing strategy implementation, will inevitably improve PICC market competitiveness to a large extent, to provide assistance for the recovery in market share.However, due to various obstacles, and pressure in the external environment, the third part of the thesis is to optimize the marketing strategy could not solve all the PICC Henan branch company marketing the existing problems, the optimized marketing strategy execution efficiency and execution effect is likely to get twice the result with half the effort. Therefore in the implementation process, the PICC Henan Branch managers must have anticipated thoughts, only to overcome the influence of various kinds of factors inside and outside, to digest slowly into the existing marketing strategy will in a certain extent, affect the future development of the company.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan branch of PICC Finance, Marketing Strategy, Optimization
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