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Research Of Brand Agriculture Development Mode

Posted on:2017-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330485457269Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Brand in the development of agriculture is an important part of brand economy, as well as an important symbol of modern agriculture development. At present, China's economic development in the stage of the new normal. At this stage, the speed of economic development from the high speed to high speed, its economic system and the quality will produce a full, in-depth changes, continue to promote scientific and technological innovation for economic growth. Therefore, the development of China's agriculture to realize the qualitative leap, have to brand agricultural development, important to realize the transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture of agriculture to lay the solid foundation.Since the late 1990 s, the academia has paid close attention to the brand agriculture,experts and scholars, respectively, based on the perspective of different brand agriculture was studied. In 2006, the CPC central committee and the state council to make a request, to accelerate the process of brand agriculture development, therefore, the ministry of agriculture according to the requirements issued "on further promoting agricultural brand work opinion"(hereinafter referred to as "opinions"), the "opinions" marked the brand agriculture development has become the primary issues in the development of agriculture, agricultural products in China has entered a brand era. In 2010 of the general office of the ministry of agriculture issued the notice on promoting agricultural brands showing promote the development of brand agriculture is the key to promote the development of agricultural economy, the construction of agricultural brand has a certain matter. In May 2014, the Chairman of Xi Jinping, puts forward the general secretary to "Chinese products to the Chinese brand" strategic thought, changing the mode of the development of agriculture,namely from the traditional products into a kind of "brand". The academic research, the government's policy guidance, illustrates the development of brand agriculture is an important content of the modern agriculture development, is one of the important choice, advancing modern agricultural development process is agricultural economy booming, the rapid increase in the farmers' income.Developing modern agriculture, agricultural economy is an important transition, is also the priority of the socialism new rural construction. Brand as a strategic choice for the development of modern agriculture, agricultural construction is agriculture from the pursuit of quantity to the pursuit of the latter type growth, from the pursuit of extensive growth to the pursuit of efficiency, the process of growth. The development of modern agriculture, it is not only conducive to the factors of production- land, the optimized allocation of capital,technology, labor, and also to adjust the agricultural structure and optimize the agricultural structure upgrade, thus forming a batch of brand agricultural products has obvious competitive advantage. The development of modern agriculture industry cluster can also enhance ability, enhance the competitiveness of agriculture, agricultural efficiency, increase farmers' income.Brand agriculture, that is, with the quality of the product quality and safety and health protection to agriculture, refers to the agricultural production operators through the relevant quality standard system certification, get the corresponding trademark registration, has the high recognition in the market, the popularity and the higher consumer trust, and in the market competition ability is strong, can obtain higher economic benefits of agriculture.Zhangqiu is the honorary title of large agricultural county in the integration of brand, its relying on its geographical advantages, actively develop brand agriculture, efforts to achieve change the way of agricultural development, the traditional agriculture into modern agriculture. On the one hand, the author through the consult related literature on brand brand agriculture development at home and abroad present situation of agricultural development was analyzed, and defines the connotation of the brand agriculture, brand agriculture and modern agriculture are analyzed using the link between;, on the other hand, on the basis of understanding the current situation of the development of domestic agricultural products brand, the combination of zhangqiu brand agricultural development analyses the condition to develop brand agriculture of specific practices and results, and thus summarizes zhangqiu brand agricultural development pattern.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand agriculture, Development, model
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