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Research In Anhui Province Rural Economic Development

Posted on:2016-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P C HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330482981988Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Anhui province is located in the East China region, belonging to the inland provinces of central china.As an important agricultural production base in China, the agricultural economic income in the country ranked ninth, mainly the production of grain, fruit, vegetables, meat, etc.Anhui Province, topography, climate, hydrology, geography, natural resources and other natural conditions be richly endowed by nature.Efforts of the local government and farmers, the agriculture of Anhui province economy has obtained gratifying achievements.The living conditions of farmers in Anhui province has made some progress, but the development of rural economy in Anhui province does not rely on in all provinces in our country, the living conditions of farmers is still not optimistic.The situation of agricultural and rural development is still grim, in the process of building a well-off society, is still facing great difficulties. I understand the current situation of economic development of Anhui province in China through the methods of literature research, through on-the-spot investigation, understand the real situation in rural areas, provide useful information for the research, also put forward the conclusion lays the foundation.Anhui province is an important province of the central region, is also China's red revolutionary base areas, the state of economic development, especially in the rural economic development level of our country directly affects the stability of the whole society, affects the development of national economy and the red cultural heritage.Therefore, this requires the government, enterprises, farmers to strengthen cooperation, and jointly promote the economic development of rural areas.First of all, to strengthen the government support of the rural economy.To promote rural system innovation, promoting the reform of rural taxation system, promote the construction of rural informatization, to increase the input of material and technical equipment, the introduction of multi-channel funding to strengthen the construction of rural infrastructure, support farmers entrepreneurship, vigorously support the development of rural education and health undertakings.Secondly, rural economic development pattern transformation.Choose the endogenous rural economic development pattern, and further optimize the structure of rural economy, promoting rural industrialization, vigorously develop township enterprises, improve the quality and safety of agricultural products, vigorously develop ecological agriculture, circular agriculture, development of county economy, expand agricultural opening efforts.Third, to further improve the rural financial system.Construction of multiple rural financial institutions, optimize the structure of rural finance, rural financial system of high level talents, improve the rural financial laws and regulations.Fourth, vigorously enhance the quality of farmers, promoting the transfer of rural surplus labor force.Fifth, strengthen the construction of agricultural social service system.Sixth, continue to promote the process of urbanization.Seventh, play to regional advantages, strengthen regional cooperation.Anhui Province, after a series of continuous adjustment, relying on government support and their own efforts, to achieve leapfrog development of the rural economy as soon as possible.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anhui, rural, regional, economic, structure
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