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Corporate Financial Distress Situation

Posted on:2013-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330395965336Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recentyears,with the changing international political and economic environment, enterprises are facing internal and externa lenvironment which is increasingly compl ex, our country and the world within the scop eof corporate bankruptcy cases are com mon, large enterprise groups are also many of the financially troubled national econo mies are caused huge negative impact. Thus, timely detection of financialdifficulties o f enterprises,and isincreasingly becoming an important issue in the field of domestic a nd foreign financial evaluation and control of corporate financial distress situation.Thi s article is the analysis of conductedin Henan Province, listed companies in financial distress situation. Study of corporate financialdistress at home and abroad mainly in theq ualitative and quantitativean alysis of twomajor are as of quantitative analys is of th eesirability,quantifiable and easy,so regardless of the theory of community practice ten d to use quantitative analysis topredict the financialdistress situation. Selected for quant itative analysis recognized distinguish ahigherrate of simple multivariated is criminant model Zvalue model to conduct acomprehensive analysis of the Listed Companiesin f inancialdistress situation. As the useof amultivariate model to analyze the results simpl y reflect the overall financial distress situation, and cannot explain allaspectsof financi al distress situation, and thus intheuse of the Z model toconductan overall analysis of t he ListedCompanies in financial distress situation combined to reflect the firms'solvenc y, profitability, operational capacity and development potential of the five financialind icators of asing levariable to aspecific analysis on listedcompanies'financial situation i n HenanProvince, the hope of the authorities of the managers, themajority of investors a nd creditors help.Analysis of listedcompanies in Henan Provincein2010and2011financ ial indicators, the overall condition of the listed companies in Henan Province, but ther e are some problems:the efficiency of asset utilization is not high, financial difficulti es showing the distribution of the industry of financial distress early warning system is notsound and so on.The full text of the mainidea consistsof five parts. The first part is an introducti on andoverview of the background and significance of this research, research methods, research framework, this study innovation, the meaning of financial distress and financi al distress Review; The second part is the focus of this article, namely, Z values of the model and the reaction of corporate short-term liquidity quick ratio, the reaction of corporate long-term solvency of the asset-liability ratio, the reaction of corporatepr of itability Return on net assets, the reaction of corporate assets utilization efficiency of the total asset turnover and response enterprise development potential of the capi tal Maintenance and Appreciation five financial indicators combined with listed com paniesin Henan Province announced the financial statements data financial plight analysi s,expectations have a clear understanding of Henan Province, listed companies infinan cial distress situation; the third part, the use of the second part of the analysis results, combined with the economic policy of Henan Province, Henan Province, the specific conditions of the listed companies, find out the reason of the induced Henan Province, The fourth part, we find out the reasons put forward practical response measures, in order to reduce financial the harm of the plight of the listed companies in Henan Prov ince. The fifth part is theconcludingpart of thisarticle, thisarticle first results are summar ized and then asked the Limitations of this study, and finally for the specific conditio ns of the Henan Province oflistedcompanies aswell as national and economic develop ment trends in HenanProvince, a listed companyin Henan Province the outlook of the f inancial position.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan Province, listed companies, financial difficulties, risk preventi-on, Z-Score
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