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Design And Implementation Of Mobile Banking Management System

Posted on:2017-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
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With the opening up of the banking industry,the number of domestic Banks is more and more,making the competition between Banks is becoming increasingly incentive,every bank need to think about how to stay competitive in today's competitive society,so as to make the various outlets to create surplus of the bank.At the same time each bank services showed more and more strong homogeneity,if only on the traditional product innovation to win customers the concept is not applicable in the rapid development of today's society.Through mobile banking management system can improve the competitiveness of the bank,managing daily financial business to deal with labor,thus reducing operating costs,expand the profitability of Banks,open up the bank service channels,provide help for bank's business development,effectively improve customer loyalty,create greater benefits bank.In order to solve the above problems,this paper designs and implements the mobile banking management system.Firstly investigating the use of system background,the significance of system is given,then the research status at home and abroad,mobile banking management system,the research content and structure of the paper is determined,then the system with the development of the technique is described,including three layers architecture,UML technology analysis,the MVC development mode,etc;To illustrate the adopted technology of the system,then the system demand analysis,determine the business functional requirements of system,using UML use case diagram of the modeling of the functional requirements of content,and gives the function of each business use case description form,the non-functional requirements of the system after the content of narrative,gives the system the concrete measure of performance requirements;After the requirement analysis of system design,three-tier architecture design of the system is given,for each business function module data to design a database of information storage,determine the e-r diagram of system,gives detailed information storage database tables;After the system design of the main job of the requirements analysis phase to determine various business function module implement,USES the flow diagram,class diagram,sequence diagram of narrative way;Finally testing system,each business function module test case,the result of the test were analyzed,and the business function module are given the corresponding interface,in addition to the functional testing,performance testing results,the response time of the system,the respect such as concurrency of content analysis.On the system after requirement analysis,system design,implementation and test,mobile banking management system to achieve the business functions generally conform to the requirements of the original design,so as to provide more convenient service for the customer,the subsequent need to improve the system background management functions,to strengthen the system processing efficiency,thereby increasing system using convenience;The combination of function between the modules need to be further strengthen,at the same time to further improve the system of the front desk page,thus improve the system USES the friendly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile banking, UML, financial services, MVC
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