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Research On Xi Jinping's Journalism And Propaganda Thought

Posted on:2018-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330536962113Subject:History of the Communist Party of China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,the construction of socialist modernization Chinese has entered a stage of rapid development,has become the world's second largest economy China,constantly improve people's living standards,has entered into a critical period of building a well-off society;at the same time,China's growing international status,international influence is significant.On the way to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,the construction of socialist culture and the promotion of national cultural soft power have become an indispensable factor.At the same time,the age has spawned the development of information technology brought about changes in the traditional propaganda,propaganda,propaganda methods are facing the impact and challenge,the gradual rise of new media,new technology is widely used in news propaganda work.Facing the new situation,the general secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the news public opinion,many news media to inspect and research,delivered an important speech at the meeting,discussion,guide the development of the work of the news media and journalism.Based on Marx's concept of news on the combination of the current status of the development background and the present stage of our country,combined with their actual work experience and feelings,on eighteen since Xi Jinping's news propaganda work of a series of speech,using theoretical analysis and empirical analysis,literature analysis method combined with the summary,on Xi Jinping's idea of news propaganda.Xi Jinping repeatedly described the news propaganda work point in his speech,summed up can be divided into five aspects,that is: adhere to the principle of party spirit,adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion,continuous innovation,integration of practitioners to improve the business quality and strengthen international communication capacity building.This series of speech,not only absorbed the essence of Marx's concept of news,but also pass to the party's leaders of several generations of news propaganda,and on this basis,combined with the characteristics of the time and conditions for a series of complement and innovation.Xi Jinping in the news public opinion work insights,not only on the current reform in the period of the news media and journalism plays a guiding role,and to promote socialist cultural construction in our country,so as to enhance China's comprehensive national strength.The research of Xi Jinping's news thoughts is a part of the Xi Jinping administration thought,also for the further development of the Marx doctrine the related theory,to promote the Marx doctrine China,promote the reform of China's journalism,enhance the country's soft power,realize the dream Chinese made great contributions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, news propaganda, public opinion
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