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The Fano Shape Based On Plasmon- Induce Transparency And Its Application In Nanosensor

Posted on:2018-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) provides a new pathway for human to better control light with the development of nano-optics.Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) has made remarkable progress in different fields of science. It is considered a potential huge information carrier which can be applied to optical information transmission and processing, and it also promotes the development of modern information technology. Metal nanostructures related to Surface plasmon polaritons improve the integration and miniaturization of devices, the plasmon-induced transparency (PIT) and Fano resonance are very sensitive to surrounding environment. It may has important applications in fields of bio-sensing and new light source.This paper focuses on designing a tooth-ring plasmonic resonator system based MIM waveguides On the basis of the researches at home and abroad. Meanwhile, we study its related features by using the methods of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The main research work and innovative results are as follows:1. We have analyzed the Maxwell’s equations and boundary conditions, we also deduced theoretical principles and characteristic equations. Meanwhile, the principles and development processes of Fano resonance and PIT phenomenon are also described which are related to the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguides.2. We have designed a compact plasmonic coupled-resonator structure, which consists of a ring resonator and a stub coupled with a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide. Simulation results show that due to the resonant enhancement effect in this system, the plasmon-induced transparency (PIT) occurs and a sharp asymmetric Fano line arise in the transmission spectra by adjusting the parameters of the structure. Meanwhile, the position of the transmission peak can be controlled in any resonance mode by changing the depth of the stub,which is different from the previous researches. The physical features provide a high refractive index sensing with a sensitivity of 11 00nm/RIU and a figure of merit (FOM) of 42550. These properties related to the tooth-ring plasmonic resonator system have been widely used in the field of nano-plasmonic sensors.3. We have further researches on the basis of the previous structure.dual resonance peaks are realized by adding an extra ring resonator placed on the stub. We also studied a tooth- triangle plasmonic resonator system. The proposed structures may have wide applications in photonic-integrated circuits and the on-chip nanosensors.
Keywords/Search Tags:surface plasmon polaritons, MIM waveguide, the plasmon-induced transparency (PIT), fano resonance, sensor
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