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Simulation And Effectiveness Research Of The Training Process About The Exoskeleton Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot

Posted on:2017-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330512977543Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,according to the current situations,that the number of lower limb motion function disorder patients is increasing,the costs of lower limb rehabilitation is growing,with the support by the National Natural Science Foundation,in order to develop an exoskeleton lower limb rehabilitation robot,the study of gait analysis,robot structure design,human-machine system simulation and robot structure improvement has been conducted,in order to develop a sort of lower limb rehabilitation robot to meet the demand of rehabilitation training.The main contents and achievements in the paper are as follows:1.Analyze the demands of internal rehabilitation treatment,summarize the research status about lower limb rehabilitation robot,compare the robot structures and choose the exoskeleton rehabilitation robot as basis,establish the human-machine system based on the biomechanics analysis software AnyBody.2.By using the human-machine system,achieve the simulation of training process about the rehabilitation robot.Obtain the main muscles’ length and contraction velocity changing conditions.And compare these parameters’ changing situations in the human-machine system with different machine driving speed.Reasonably plan the driving velocity of lower limb rehabilitation robot according to the analysis results,and prove that under the constant or slow driving speed,the safety of rehabilitation robot can be guaranteed.3.By comparing the major muscles’ length and contraction velocity changing conditions in the driving of exoskeleton lower limb robot with in normal walking,point out that the exoskeleton structure that only achieve the movement in the sagittal plane has some deficiencies according to the analysis results.Improve the hip and knee joint structure of the exoskeleton and make the rehabilitation training effectiveness enhance to some extent.
Keywords/Search Tags:lower limb rehabilitation robot, exoskeleton, Any Body, human-machine system simulation, structure improvement
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