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Security Issue Research Of Payment Model Of Electronic Commerce

Posted on:2016-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330503994278Subject:Electronic and communication engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the past ten years, electronic commerce has a tremendous development, bringing up large-scale online shopping websites like Taobao, Tmall and JD in china. E-payment is the most significant loop in e-commerce by completing the transfer of funds flow, which is most important identification of goods sales. E-commerce and e-payment bring much convenience to people’s shopping and payment, while making a great contribution to the economic development. However, the attendant security issues of e-commerce exerts limitations to its own development. Hence, it makes great sense to the security issues study of e-commerce, especially of e-payment.Confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation and goods atomicity is center on the needs of e-commerce security. And the protection of e-commerce security is mostly based on SSL protocol, SET protocol and 3D-Secure protocol. SSL protocol is built in browser, famous of simplicity and easy to realize. While SET protocol has a detailed regulations of data format, and the action of all transaction parties, making it complicated but safer. 3D-Secure protocol provides a password to secure credit cards payment. In the competition, the electronic payment model based on SSL protocol and 3D-Secure protocol gradually occupy the mainstream.In the hot background of “big data” concept, as well as the analysis of popularity of current evolved B2 C business model, this paper put up an improved SET protocol model by adding a “payment authority”. It overcomes the risk defect of original protocol by transfer the payment information from buyer to payment gateway forwarded by seller. Then, this paper analysis the payment process of improved model, and makes simple design of each part of the model. In addition, other improving measure is summed up.
Keywords/Search Tags:electronic commerce, e-payment, payment protocol, SET protocol, security issue
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