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The Design And Implementation Of Electronic Tax Archives Management System

Posted on:2016-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330503994104Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of network technology and the launch of e-government policy, the tax informationization system turns to be a very important goal to improve the work efficiency and implement national policies. In order to get rid ofthe traditional inefficient manual way to deal with tax affairs and manage tax archives,most of the tax departments begin to put an information system into practice which could help improving work efficiency and making the tax affairs networked.To the Dingcheng Local Tax, there are still some defects in their tax system. First,the tax affairs are very complicate so that it is very easy to make a mistake. Then, an increasing number of tax archives make the management of tax archives becomeinconvenient, and the management of picture and other electronic material is also a challenge to the Dingcheng Local Tax. In order to improve the tax archives management and retrieval efficiency, to reduce workload and realize the goal of data acquisition, tax file archiving, archives lending, registration and so on, Dingcheng Local Tax decide to build a system called Electronic Tax Archives Management System(ETAMS).This paper presents our works to build the ETAMS in detail. First, this paper makes an introduction to the basic technology used in ETAMS, mainly including the Java technology, database technology and Etmvc frame technology. At the same time,according to the problems appeared in ETAMS, we have come up with some solutions including using OCR to improve the recognition rate of receipt image and using a method which is based on RBAC method to manage the access control list.Then, the requirement analysis is presented. After that a lot of works which are based on the requirement analysis about the system design and implementation have been done, including the design and implementation of user interface, print component,OCR component, extensional RBAC component and basic network architecture. Atlast, a system test report has been analyzed to verify the security and stability of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Java, TaxArchives, OCR, RBAC
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