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Research On Force-feedback Manipulator And Algorithm For Surgical Robot

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330482957177Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, master-slave robot for minimally invasive surgery has got more and more research and recognition. It can not only reduce trauma and period of recovery of patient, but provide doctor with safer and more comfortable operating environment. It can also improve the accuracy of surgery. Currently master-slave robot for minimally invasive surgery with force feedback is the hot spot and difficulty of the surgical robot’s research. The design and performance of force-feedback master is crucial for the entire robot system. And reasonable control algorithm is important for the realization of force feedback. Therefore the design and the study of control algorithm for force-feedback master is necessary.The dissertation has summarized present research situation of master-slave surgical robot, force-feedback manipulator and control strategy. And relevant aspect has been introduced, which includes mechanical structure, the selection of functional modules, and kinematics of the force-feedback manipulator, which is designed by my team. Based on the system, control structure and control algorithm has been designed and selected. Specific content as follows.Firstly, some content is introduced, which includes present master-slave robot for minimally invasive surgery, research status and development of force-feedback master, and overview of technology of force feedback control. From such description, we can know the structure scheme and control method, etc. In addition, we can make sure the problem in control of force-feedback master that we should take care.Secondly, some content is introduced, includes the overall arrangement of the master-slave robot system, the mechanical structure, technology parameter and the selection of actuating device and force sensor.Thirdly, we introduce main structure of force feedback control. Then we study the transparency of the control structure, which we can select, and design force feedback control method for master based on two control structure.Finally, conduct a simple performance testing experiment and design traction control experiment of manipulator. Force sensor performance testing experiment includes filtering, fluctuation of zero point, impact. In the first experiment, measured value fluctuate around the zero point when pose are changing. The second experiment can verify the feasibility of the force control method, and improve operating convenience. The preliminary design of traction control is completed.
Keywords/Search Tags:master-slave robot for minimally invasive surgery, force-feedback master manipulator, control architecture, control algorithm
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