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Sliding Mode Control For A Class Of Switched Linear Systems

Posted on:2014-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330473451140Subject:Navigation, guidance and control
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Switched systems are a class of important hybrid systems, which are of great significance both in theory development and engineering applications. It is an important research topic to study the dynamic systems with multiple modes that switched systems can describe accurately, since the dynamic behavior of practical systems often includes multiple modes. In addition, uncertainties are ubiquitous in system models, it is much more important to study switched systems with uncertainties. On the other hand, sliding mode variable structure control is one of the most important methods in the robust control area, since it possesses various attractive features such as good robustness, fast response and good transient response. In recent years, sliding mode variable structure control theory has been obtained and applied. However, to the best of the author’s knowledge, there are few reports about sliding mode variable structure control for switched systems. This dissertation studies sliding mode variable structure control for a class of switched linear systems with uncertainties and external disturbances. The main contents can be stated as follows:The sliding mode variable structure control based on the state observer for a class of switched linear systems with uncertainties and external disturbances is studied. By solving constrained LMIs, the sliding surface using only output information is given. The switching law based on state observer is designed such that the switched system is stabilizable and satisfies with the H-infinity performanceγ. Sliding mode variable structure controllers are given to guarantee that the states can reach the sliding surface in finite time.The problem of the output feedback sliding mode variable structure control is considered for a class of switched linear systems with uncertainties and external disturbances. Sliding mode variable structure controllers are given to reach the single sliding surface in finite time and remain on it thereafter. The sliding surface is constructed by solving a set of linear matrix inequality. Also the switching law by using multiple Lyapunov functions method is designed to obtain a sufficient condition about the switched system is stabilizable and satisfies with the H-infinity performance y.Finally, the main results of the thesis are summarized and further research problems are pointed out.
Keywords/Search Tags:switched linear systems, sliding mode control, uncertain systems, output feedback, linear matrix inequality, H-infinity performance, Lyapunov function
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