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The Development And Research Of Chinese Mahjong Games

Posted on:2019-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330548955780Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the growing problem of aging in China,people have new requirements for leisure methods.Mahjong was born in China and was hidden deep in the market.It has been a tool for gambling.It has always been a state of being shouted.The competitive mahjong was formally promoted throughout the country after the rules were issued by the State General Administration of Sports in 1998.However,the development of competitive mahjong has always been a controversial topic in Chinese society.The focus of the debate is nothing more than whether it is a gambling activity or an intellectual movement.The research object of this dissertation is the development and countermeasures of Chinese competitive mahjong.The research methods used in this dissertation are: literature data method,questionnaire survey method and logic analysis method.The main thread of this thesis is to use the literature data method to obtain the cultural research and social background of traditional Chinese mahjong,to provide data for the future development of competitive mahjong and to understand the information including the number of clubs,competitive mahjong events,and competitive mahjong rules.The research of scholars lays some foundations.The questionnaire survey method was used to investigate the basic attributes of the Chinese mahjong population in order to obtain the basic conditions of the nationwide mahjongg mahjong population,including gender,occupation,income,and distribution.Analyze the status of competitive mahjong through logical analysis,and explore the development vein and development trend of modern mahjong.According to the investigation and analysis,the following conclusions are drawn:1.Mahjong originated in China,but there are many sayings as to when and where it originated,but the most convincing is Zheng He's Xia Yangyang and Taicang Imperial official positions.The mahjong movement has gone through a long period of time from the beginning to the evolution.It was completed in1998 and the first draft of the competitive mahjong rule was completed,covering88 types of fan.In the same year,the State Sports General Administration promulgated the Chinese mahjong contest rules.The preparation of the rules(drafts)was conducted under the leadership of the National Sports Center's Social Guidance Center.Penalists such as Junichiro Koizumi and Sheng Qi participated in the preparation.The rules are set for 81 fan species.In 2006,the rules were fine-tuned,and the self-inflation was changed to do not ask for four times and some changes in the name of the Fan.Since the promulgation of the "Rules" in 1998,the nationwide competitive mahjong movement has begun to develop on a large scale.2.The competitive mahjong tournament was launched on a large scale after the 1998 competitive mahjong rule was promulgated,forming a number of competitive mahjong events with great influence,including famous Chinese kings,world mahjong championships,and elite tournaments.3.The relevant national departments have no relevant policies to manage competitive mahjong,resulting in abnormal development of competitive mahjong sports.In the event of the event,China's competitive mahjong organization organized many high-level events and formed a scale.However,it is very weak in terms of broadcast,interpretation,and sponsorship.In the 20 years of development of the competitive mahjong movement,it has not formed the Chinese competitive mahjong league.4.The lack of policy support is the biggest obstacle to the development of competitive mahjong.Because the relevant departments have not effectively supervised the development of competitive mahjong,resulting in the abnormal development of competitive mahjong,the national competitive mahjong organization has not been established.5.competitive species of Mahjong fan,high threshold is also a major obstacle to the development of competitive mahjong.6.The organization and population of competitive mahjong are slowly increasing.7.Chinese competitive mahjong is becoming professional.Based on the response to the findings of the study,I propose the followingfeasibility suggestions;1.The development of competitive mahjong requires the efforts of all sectors of the society.No matter whether it is the government's responsibilities department or the social non-governmental organization,it should be a concerted effort.2.The China Chess & Card Management Center has established a nationwide competitive mahjong organization,which manages and organizes various clubs and provides existing resources as much as possible.3.Each cannabis will use the development of competitive mahjong as its fundamental development policy,upload it,and do a good job of the task of the superior organization and consolidate and develop the existing competitive mahjong participants and train a large number of competitive mahjong related talents.4.Social media also have to actively promote sports mahjong.5.Competitive mahjong is China's major contribution to the world.The mahjong competition is also the only way for the mahjong movement to develop well.
Keywords/Search Tags:competitive mahjong sports, mahjong population, professionalism
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