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Research On Financial Supervision In H University

Posted on:2018-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of China's economy and the ever-changing education system,institutions of higher education took on a booming form.Among them,the scale of rapid expansion in colleges and universities,economic activity tends to be diversified in the process of running.In this situation,the universities financial relationships become more complex,increasing abundance of the element of financial management and full financial work in colleges and universities face a complicated situation,financial supervision and management level directly restrict the reform and progress of the school.Internal financial supervision in colleges and universities is an important component of financial units,especially in conditions of significant changes in the internal and external environment.University departments own available funds and resources increased.And the income and expenditure continued to expand.In the process of gradual decentralization to departments in colleges and universities,a series of problems for financial management in colleges and universities.Internal oversight in the financial system and to standardize and improve the process.Monitoring and management system still not sound enough.Universities lack of effective internal supervision and management mechanism of subordinate units.Leading University subordinate units capital expenditures do not improve,provisioning is not rigorous,the irrational use of funds,education,serious waste of resources and a series of follow-up questions.Disadvantages of internal financial supervision in colleges and universities has become increasingly evident.Already has limited the school of rational and scientific work in the hazard.Quality of internal financial supervision in colleges and universities for overall financial supervision in colleges and universities have a fundamental impact.Therefore,in order to ensure that the University's fiscal norms to effective,enhance the competitiveness of universities,we have to address these practices taking place in financial supervision in colleges and universities.Lifting restricted the financial problems in the development of the school.Strengthening internal financial supervision of subordinate units.Eventually achieve the optimization of comprehensive benefits.Based on the discussion in the process of using a combination of theory and case,by H investigation of internal financial supervision in colleges and universities,reasons for lack of analysis.H University case study of specific economic activities carried out within the framework of financial supervision process.We expect to H university and colleges with similar H Universities internal financial supervision,providing technology ideas and methodological recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:University, Internal Financial Supervision, Fixed Assets Management
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