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The Design And Empirical Study Of Junior High School Chinese Flipped Classroom Teaching

Posted on:2017-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YangFull Text:PDF
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Since 2012,flip the classroom teaching mode is widely concerned in the field of education China.Literature review found that classroom turnover nearly 3 years of domestic research results of rapid growth,but relates to the junior middle school language classroom teaching design and application of turning fewer research results and not enough system.Through the questionnaire survey of the status quo of Chinese teaching in junior middle school,found that there are some problems in the current Chinese teaching in junior middle school: teaching philosophy is uneven,overall backwardness;single teaching mode,knowledge to teach;teaching design is simple,ignoring student status;lack of teaching evaluation feedback,focusing on the evaluation results.Comparative turnover classroom teaching model with the traditional classroom teaching model,it is found that there is great difference in the role of teachers and students,classroom teaching,classroom time allocation,teaching contents,teaching means application and teaching evaluation between the two,and flipped classroom teaching model more in line with modern education,psychology research,more conducive to student knowledge internalization.Therefore,practice and empirical research on middle school Chinese teaching design of classroom teaching mode based on the turnover is very necessary.This study adopts literature research method,case analysis method and comparative study method,experimental teaching method and other research methods for the research on the junior middle school Chinese classroom teaching design and practical application of flip.The framework of this study includes four parts: the first part is theoretical research module,including the introduction,the first chapter flipped classroom teaching mode and its theoretical basis,and is due to the theoretical basis of this study;the second part of the survey on the status of the module,investigation on the current situation of Chinese teaching in junior middle school includes the second chapter,some problems about the current middle school Chinese teaching the third part is the construction of teaching;case analysis of junior high school Chinese classroom teaching flip design framework,including the third chapter is the analysis of junior high school Chinese classroom teaching design of flip frame construction,the fourth chapter of junior high school Chinese flipped classroom teaching design case,this part is the text of the combination of theory and practice,which is generally the flipped classroom teaching mode based on junior high school Chinese classroom teaching design,and to pep Chinese eight grades(I)as an example Teaching design case analysis;the fourth part is the empirical research and conclusion part,including the fifth chapter of junior high school language flipped classroom teaching design empirical study.Select the PEP language grade eight(I)of the teaching content,comparative experiments were performed on a unit of teaching.The experimental class and the control class before and post test statistics and analysis of academic achievement,that compared to the traditional classroom teaching mode,flipped classroom teaching mode of students' academic achievement influence more significantly;the sixth chapter is the conclusion,summary of the whole study,reflection and prospect.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school Chinese, flipped classroom, teaching mode, teaching design, teaching experiment
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