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Research On Application Of Personal Big Data In Blended Learning

Posted on:2018-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B B WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518483427Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The mode of blended learning has been popularized and developed gradually in the domestic colleges and universities.With the development of information and technology,the concept and value of big data is gradually accepted by the public,moreover,it has penetrated into various of fields,such as medicine,architecture,finance,education and so on.That produced throughout the process of educational activities,used for the development education,innovation education,optimizing the education,all educational big data that have potential value beyond measure,is a subset of the big data,is education big data.Education big data is divided into broad and the narrow sense of education big data.The broad educational data refers to all the data that related to education or generated through the process of education:mainly includes the data in the process of educational activities,data collected in educational management activities,data collected in scientific research activities,data generated in campus life and so on,all the students' behavior data from educational activities.In the model of blended learning,the narrow sense of the big data can be the all data that associated with students learning,that is personal big data:mainly includes operation log of online,business data of online,the data of offline can be classroom records,paper information(award certificate,leave,small note),etc.The research data of this paper is the narrow sense of education big data.At present,the general situation of the application of big data in the field of education is:most evaluation on the teaching and decision-making are based on the subjective judgment of the teachers,the basis of students' reflection is only grades.Aiming at the above situation,this paper tries to explore the application of personal big data in blended learning.This paper mainly from three aspects researching the application of personal big data in teaching and learning:the evaluation of teachers and students,the feedback of teaching and the reflection of students.The first part of this paper put forwards the significance of the study of personal big data in blended learning;the second part describes the characteristics of blended learning,and introduced the functions of platform that support blended learning;the third part introduces the application model of personal big data,and focusing on the storage model and analysis model;the fourth part discusses personal big data in three aspects:the evaluation that teachers give to students,teachers use data to reflect on teaching,adjust strategies of teaching,students use the data that comprehensive and process for reflection student uses the comprehensive data and the process data to reflect on learning and adjust the study plan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Blended Learning, the personal big data, the application of big data
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