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The Cultivation Of PE Teachers In China From 1903 To 1949

Posted on:2018-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515490801Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The new period,as people pay more attention to sports,has brought new opportunities for the development of sports,but in front of the school and the society demand for sports,countries can meet the needs of the society and school,can provide high quality,good quality of sports teachers and sports coaches for the school and the society,and how to develop sports teachers and sports the coach of high quality,good quality,this is a major challenge in current sports,it has become a key problem in the contradiction between supply and demand.This study through the literature method,content analysis method,mathematical statistics method,to study in China from 1903 to 1949,what are the schools and which institutions for our country to cultivate the sports teachers,and how to train teachers of physical education in our country,the school enrollment,training years and number of training teachers the curriculum and graduation theme for this study,the study provides experience and reference for China's current sports teacher training.The main conclusions of this study:First,China's sports teacher training institutions in the uneven distribution in East than in West;the nature of the institution can be divided into public and private schools,the public can be divided into national,provincial and municipal people's private;can be divided into private and church schools.Second,the school sports curriculum is similar,in 1923 before the sports curriculum is mainly affected by the Army national sports thought;1923 mainly affected by American naturalism;but this is the martial arts schools attention,become the school's elective course.Third,from the time of training and training quality,the UniversityDepartment of physical education and sports school training of long time,high quality;summer sports schools mostly use vacation time for in-service training of PE teachers,for a short time;sports organizations use the summer time to do physical education teachers training class,time is short,poor quality.Fourth,the training institutions of teachers there is a certain gap between University Department of physical education and sports school teachers mostly employ foreigners or Chinese people with experience abroad;classes(or short courses)in most people.Fifth,public schools have national or local financial allocation,while private schools especially no record of the private school because of shortage of funds mostly after one or two years of operation.
Keywords/Search Tags:physical education teacher training, sports organization, sports specialized school, summer sports school, physical training class
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