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Comparative Study Of International And ICU Cheerleading Competition Rules

Posted on:2017-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330512965496Subject:Sports teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, our ICU and international cheerleading competition rules as the research object, select the "international all-star cheerleading competition scoring rule (2006-2009)" version "2010-2013 National Cheerleading Competition Rules", "2014 National Cheerleading competition rules "for the survey, and the use of literature, interviews, comparative studies and other research methods, through China and ICU international Cheerleading competition rules evolution of analysis and research, from the system of rules, evaluation perspective, more comprehensive comparative analysis of scoring methods, the difficulty of evaluation, etc., by comparing China and ICU international cheerleading competition rules, from which to explore the ICU Cheerleading international rules in the right way of development in our country by the actual development of Cheerleading departure thereby improving international situation ICU Cheerleading ratings content, promoting China Cheerleading better with international practice, to enhance the overall level of China's Cheerleading.Results of this study showed that:1. Version of nearly Cheerleading Competition Rules Change features.(1) Rule System Change:"International All-Star Cheerleading Competition scoring rules (2006--2009 Edition)" First of Cheerleading concept fully defined, divided the direction of the project, initially to improve the framework of Cheerleading Competition scoring system and mode. And "2010--2013 National Cheerleading Competition Rules", in reference to build the system of rules in the international cheerleading rules to standardize the definition of Cheerleading, refining projects and emphasize safety, enrich the project Cheerleading style of.(2) Contest set change:"International All-Star Cheerleading Competition scoring rules (2006--2009 Edition)" will be divided into cheerleading dance and cheerleading skills Cheerleading two categories, the game routines to self and provisions for the content. And "2010--2013 National Cheerleading Competition Rules", and dance skills Cheerleading Competition Cheerleading project set rich, Cheerleading skills gained five people with the skills and techniques with a double, an increase of jazz dance Cheerleading cheerleading, street dance and the free dance Cheerleading Cheerleading project type setting contest reflect diversity.(3) changes referee composition:"International All-Star Cheerleading Competition scoring rules (2006--2009 Edition)" by Art Appraisers three finish judge three difficulty judge 2 sight judge 2, timing 1 judge, and judge one long composition, and "2010--2013 National Cheerleading competition rules" by Art referee four people, four people complete the referee, the referee difficulty 2,1 timekeeper, referee 1 composition, the referee canceled the line of sight.2. China and the ICU International Cheerleading Competition Rules comparative analysis of the main there are significant differences in the following six areas:(1) Competition Rules System different:My Cheerleading Competition Rules uses horizontal angle holistic description summarized the project content division of Cheerleading. The ICU Cheerleading international rules from the perspective of the level of difficulty, from the longitudinal described system of rules.(2) build a different rule evaluation mode. Our Cheerleading Competition rules based on the scoring rules of competition mode International Gymnastics Federation Artistic gymnastics, trampoline, aerobics, etc., using arts referee, referee and complete difficulty referee three groups of 10 people, respectively, from an artistic finish, difficulty three judge. The ICU new international rules evaluation mode 10 Tips Cheerleading, Dance Cheerleading nine sets of referees to judge, but the referee does not grouping, each independently of the referees have to be set-Movement comprehensive evaluation at the same time need to write the five recommendations of the comments in the score sheet.(3) Evaluation of rule elements are quite different. Our sets are judged by the art of 50 points, 50 points is completed, the difficulty constitute points. The ICU international rules are adopted a comprehensive evaluation approach, art, complete, difficulty points together.(4) Scoring different rules. Our rules-based scoring percentile, the 2006 edition will be all the arts and completion points after points were calculated by adding the average art and completed, together with the difficulty of divided out. The 2010 edition of Art sucked and were completed after removing the highest and lowest scores derived by adding the average score in the difficult points are summed is out. Thus, there may be more than the final score of 100 points. The ICU International Competition Rules use different score table, using percentile system, every judge out of 100 points, and scored according to the project score table and minus points table, remove one of the highest and lowest score of the last eight referees score the sum of the final score sets of actions. Thus, the final score is likely to exceed 800 points.(5) There are obvious differences in the difficulty of evaluation methods.. Cheerleading our focus on the difficulty of the number of participants in the evaluation, using the quantitative evaluation of refinement, and a corresponding rule difficulty levels, the number of categories, with the difficulty of the table, so the quantitative evaluation of objectivity, so evaluation evidence. The ICU International Cheerleading rule evaluation methods with qualitative evaluation criteria, the number of participants and focus on adaptive action selection. Cancel the operation sets a predetermined quantization difficulty, combined with the difficulty of the completion of a comprehensive overall quality of case evaluation is subjective.(6) set arrangement of different metrics. Our rules emphasize Cheerleading Cheerleading technology integrated operation, intuitive and quantitative criteria as rating features to make evidence-based score, but quantitative regulations likely to cause limited layout space. The ICU Cheerleading international rules from the perspective of qualitative evaluation of the abolition of special provisions and difficulty table, select the difficulty by the difficulty of converting innovation by pursuing the idea of the difficulty of high importance for the action to complete the conversion quality, emphasizing the action art, difficult to complete consistency.3. ICU International Cheerleading Competition Rules factors affecting the development of our country Cheerleading:Cheerleading competition rules change, and promote the development of Cheerleading sport and promotion. Especially after the ICU Cheerleading international rules standards of technical difficulty of Cheerleading, presentation mode, judgment mode, and complete quality professional development project has brought great opportunities.
Keywords/Search Tags:abroad Cheerleading, competition rules, Comparative Analysis
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