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Intrinsic And Extrinsic Analysis Of The Village Entwined With Cancer For A Decade

Posted on:2017-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y PanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the one-year period from July,2014 to July,2015, based on the media reports and public information of the government and with the application of traditional participant observation and PRA, we have conducted detailed research on high incidence of cancer in Jiushitun, Mashan County, Nanning, Guangxi between 1999 and 2009. We will provide you with an integral development process with the combination of ecological environment, cultural background, customs and living characteristics exactly in this place. Cancer Village emerged but then eclipsed from the public notice after several twists and turns. Finally, Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Nanning denied the existence of high incidence of cancer. This development process involved many institutions and organizations, including government agencies, medical institutions, Hong Kong media, charity organization and so on. In this thesis, regarding the intrinsic and extrinsic field of vision as the analysis framework, I will conduct in-depth research on the detailed information of this incident, listen attentively to the villagers and interpret their words.Based on this case, I will make a further analysis of the villagers' attitudes and treatment towards major crisis, especially the incidents and process caused by their activities. By making detailed assessment of the villagers'viewpoints towards abnormally-high incidence of cancer and mortality rate in their own village, and actions taken by the government and all walks of life, by probing into the implied reasons why these villagers made such kind of responses and getting a full picture of different views of different people, I will give my point of view as a professional research in the end. In the last part of the thesis, by comparing this special case of Jiushitun with another Cancer Village in Huaihe River basin, which was caused by pollution, I will provide more analysis perspectives to the research on Cancer Village in China. Besides, I will give profound consideration to the modern development values.
Keywords/Search Tags:cancer village, living habits, health concept
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