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Korean Independence Movement And Chinese Public Opinions In Shun Pao Reports(1919-1941)

Posted on:2019-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330545975656Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 1910,Japan occupied Korea,and the Korean independence movement was surging.Both in Korea and abroad,there were always men struggling in various forms for national liberation,and national independence.In South Korea,with the 3·1 movement as the trigger,the Korean people began a continuous resistance movement and demonstration.In China,based on the establishment of the interim government of the Republic of Korea,various forms of anti-Japanese independence movement also flourished.As one of the longest-running and most influential newspapers of the Republic of China,the Shun Pao has the strong geographical conditions of being in Shanghai with the interim government of' the Republic of Korea.Under the social situation of anti-Japanese,Shun Pao was very concerned about the independent movements in Korea and abroad.There were many reports of news about the Korean independence movement.This is an important reference for studying the Korean independence movement through the news media.This paper reviews the report of the Shun Pao about the Korean independence movement from 1919 to 1941,trying to summarize them,and exploring the Korean independent movement in Chinese media reports,and the views of the Chinese government and public opinion on it.Based on the different characteristics of the report of the Korean Independent Movement,the paper uses the important time points of the Chinese War against Japan as the dividing line.From 1919 to 1941,this paper is divided into three parts.The first part was from 1919 to 1931.During this period,the important events of the Korean independence movement consisted of the 3·1 Movement,the establishment of the interim government of the Republic of Korea and its diplomatic activities,and the assassination of the Xinguan Pier.The 3·1 Movement that broke out in 1919 was one of the important anti-Japanese independence movements in the history of South Korea.It also indirectly prompted the establishment of the provisional government of the Republic of Korea.After the establishment of the interim government of the Republic of Korea,Korea's anti-Japanese independence movement in China was gradually organized.The assassination of the Xinguan Pier was an important action of the anti-Japanese movement of the Republic of Korea's interim government during this period.The Shun Pao reported many of these incidents,especially 3·1 anti-Japanese demonstration and demonstration campaign broke out in various parts of South Korea after the campaign.Although the Chinese Government and Japan continued to contend with each other,they have not broken out yet.The Beijing government has adopted a repressive attitude towards the Korean independence movement and the National Government has not publicly expressed its support.However,according to the Shun Pao report,Chinese civil society is highly concerned about the Korean independence movement.Although there is no clear attitude,it also expresses opinions through various methods and warns the Chinese people to learn lessons from Korea's subjugation.The second part was from 193I to 1937.During this period,the important events of the Korean independence movement consisted of Koreans' trying to unite the Sino-Korean joint anti-Japanese,Sino-Korean joint anti-Japanese in the northeast of China,and the explosion of Hongkou Park.Korean independents began to seek common resistance against Japan with China and actively conducted operations in the Northeast of China.When the Japanese Army celebrated the festival and displayed its victory in the Battle of Shanghai,the explosion of Hongkou Park was launched and caused a sensation in the world.Although Northeastern China has been dominated by Japan,the Chinese government has hoped to mediate China-Japan relations through the League of Nations and has not riven with Japan.For the Korean independence movement,although the Chinese government has begun to pay attention,it cannot provide assistance in an open way.The Shun Pao continues to focus on the Korean independence movement and has long reports on the Sino-South Korean joint anti-Japanese and explosion of' Hongkou Park,and expressed support for the Korean independence movement.The third part was from 1937 to 1941.During this period,the important events of the Korean independence movement consisted of Korean all circles in their joint support of China's anti-Japanese war and Korean armed forces helped China's anti-Japanese war.With the full-scale war between China and Japan,the Korean independence movement began to form a joint force with the Chinese Anti-Japanese War.The Chinese government also explicitly supports it.The Shun Pao continues to report on the Korean independence movement and expressly supports it.After the fall of Shanghai in 1941,the Shun Pao was taken over by the Japanese military and ended the report on the Korean independence movement.From 1919 to 1941,The Shun Pao continued to pay attention to the Korean independence movement and reported hundreds of related news so that Chinese readers could clearly understand the situation of the Korean independence movement.It was understood that the Korean independence patriots who were exiled to China were always struggling for national independence,and the liberation of the country.As a representative of the mainstream media of the Republic of China,The Shun Pao carries social public opinion and reflects Chinese society's sympathy and support for the Korean independence movement.At the same time,the Shun Pao also reminded the people of the tragic facts that the Korea was annexed by Japan and called on the people to rise up and resist the Japanese imperialist aggression and protect the country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shun Pao, Korean independence movement, Chinese public opinions
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