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Investigation And Research On Rural Support Behavior

Posted on:2019-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330542954369Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The elderly support problem became a hot topic in our country,children's support behavior has significant influence on the elderly life quality.Along with the population aging in our country speeding up,the aging phenomenon is more serious in rural areas,yet urbanization fast development makes a lot of is to perform the obligation of supporting their children into the town,plus family size to the miniaturization of the country's transformation,makes the rural financial shortage phenomenon more and more serious.In the elderly quality of life is not merely dependent dependant enough to guarantee,support support problem also followed,rural financial problem is increasingly outstanding.Based on the premise,this paper hope through the in-depth study of rural children support action for rural children encounter difficulties in supporting the elderly and to put forward the corresponding solutions,in order to reduce the pressure of child support to improve the quality of life of the elderly.In the study,this article from the rural children on the two aspects of subjective and objective support behavior were studied.This article mainly USES literature research,questionnaire survey and in-depth interview methods.First in combination with related literature to define the concept of support action,looking for support behavior study relevant theoretical basis.Second,to build the concept of rural financial behavior model and research hypothesis,year full 18 one full year of life in rural area in accordance with the obligation of supporting rural residents on the basis of investigation and field survey,from two aspects of subjective and objective support for rural children behavior status quo are described and the depth profiling,understand the current rural child support behavior and subjective thinking.Again,the combination of rural children economic capital,natural capital,human capital and social capital four family endowment and factors related to individual talents,affecting the behavior of rural children to support empirical analysis and make explanations.Finally,is proposed on the basis of summarizing the conclusion again vigorously cultivate XiaoQin respect culture,strengthening the construction of local legislation and regulations system,development of rural economy and support mode diversification.The study found that rural children received the subjective and objective support behavior and multi-level factors,including gender,age,culture level,economic conditions,etc.,economic support,daily care and spiritual consolation three support behavior of the main factors also exist differences.Behavior of offspring,according to the results of the current countryside situation is not optimistic,there is still a part of the children of parents are under no obligation to support;Family economic capital more rich give parents support behavior more comprehensively,and the sex of children of different support behavior are also different,men are more likely to provide economic support,women pay more attention to spiritual support;Support behavior mainly affected by itself and family,the outside world the impact of the weak.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural child, Support behavior, Family endowment, Capital of filial, piety culture
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