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On The Legal System Of Food Safety Supervision In China

Posted on:2017-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330542468662Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Food safety issues have become the people most concerned about the gossip in life,not only related to the level of government,but also related to the most people's lives and health and safety of the event.With the continuous development of the market economy,food safety incidents occur repeatedly,not only posed a threat to public health and life,but also a serious threat to the stability of social order.Food safety is not only related to people's lives,but also relates to national stability,social harmony.This article is to improve the legal system of food safety supervision as the starting point,based on the excellent experience of foreign countries,in view of China's food safety regulatory legal system and food safety regulatory system deficiencies,put forward the corresponding perfect recommendations.This paper is divided into six parts.The first part is the introduction part,the introduction part mainly analyzes the current research background of food safety supervision,and introduces the domestic and foreign research summary of food safety supervision.The second part is about the basic theory of food safety supervision related to the introduction,mainly from the introduction of food safety,and food safety regulatory two concepts to start.At the same time,it also introduces the theoretical basis of food safety supervision in economics,which will lay a solid foundation for the analysis of the existing problems in food safety supervision in China.The third part is the analysis of China's food safety regulatory legal system and regulatory model based on the status quo,put forward China's current food safety supervision regulatory model,legal system,and specific regulatory system deficiencies and shortcomings.The fourth part is the analysis and discussion of the EU and the US food safety regulatory legal system and regulatory model,based on foreign food safety supervision obtained excellent experience and inspiration for our country,and to improve the recommendations for the following pave the way for the commencement.The fifth part is the perfect suggestion based on the combination of foreign advanced experience.The paper starts with the guiding ideology of establishing the legal system of food safety supervision in China,including establishing the core idea and basic principle,insisting on the international view of food safety supervisionlegislation,establishing the vertical supervision thought of food safety supervision.Secondly,the concrete construction of food safety supervision in our country,mainly from the perfection of the food regulatory system for the legal responsibility,improve the punitive damages system,the establishment of information disclosure system and other aspects of the author's recommendations.The sixth part is the conclusion,which summarizes the main structure and main points of the article in a concise and concise manner.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food safety supervision, Legal system of food safety supervision, Food safety supervision mode
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