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The Selection And Management Of People's Jurors System Research In China

Posted on:2018-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330536985789Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pilot reform of the people's jurors system is picking up,the research for the selection and management of people's jurors system reform is a practical sig nificance.This article first from the location of people's assessors,again to our peo ple's juror system selection and management as a com b,and then appl y to the Anglo-A merican law sys tem and continental law system countries jury selection through th e comparative analysis and management system and good experience,finally put forward the optimization suggestions of people's jury selection and management system in China.T he first part,the main of people's assessors clearly positioning,including the role and value orientation.Discusses the responsibilities of people's assessors,including on time to participate in trial activities in accordance with the law,to revi ew the books,in case investigation and mediation,take an active part in case review and vote on fact substantial responsibility and loy al to the constitution and laws,fair and jus tice,handle cases impartially and to abide by integrity,such as discipline form duty.Finally,according to its responsibilities to discuss the role and value of people's assessors.The second part,to our country people's jury selection and management system for a comb.System to examine the current situation in the first place,tracing from 2004 to 2015 based on the norm of the people's juror system.Next is elected by the people's assessors and problems existing in the m anagement system,respectively,analyzes in depth.Selection system is mainly selected standard specification too strict and selection program problem,the management system mainly is the lack of exclusive agencies,unknown and the lack of the rights and obligations than enable security three aspects to elaborate.From the aspect of legal system to th e actual operation situation to do a,for the following countermeasures put forward.The third part,analyzing out side jury selection and management system.First interpretation of the Anglo-American law system countries predominantly jurors civilian,emphasize particularly on solve the problem.Second interpretation of the c ivil law countries also is give priority to with jurors civilian,solving legal problems and solve the problem of the facts.F inally compare both of jury selection and management mode,in order to get to our country people's assessors se lection and m anagement of the enlightenment and reference.The fourth part,this paper introduces the reform background of the people' s jury system,based on the actual,combined with the first part of people's assessors,the second part of the problem statement and draw less ons from foreign experience,the third part discussed is elected by the people' s assessors in our country and puts forward som e measures for the m anagement system optimization in order to gua rantee the healthy and orderly development of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:The people's jury, Selection, Administration, Optimization
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