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Research On The Education Of Grassroots Cadres In The New Period

Posted on:2018-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330515990212Subject:Chinese Government and Politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the eighteenth congress,China's cadre education has worked into a new phase of development.Xi Jinping,general secretary,put forward a series of new thoughts and strategies about education on the cadre,his idea provides scientific guidelines for conducting a proper job of cadre education in the new situation for the party.However,the complication in the new period,and profound changes of the state,and party situations make the cadre education work faces many challenges.The development of grassroots cadre education still holds a certain gap with the requirements under the new phase.Grassroots cadres as the party's basic policy practitioners,professionals,supervisor and promoter,is the base of the party's grass-roots work and backbone.Strengthen grass-roots cadre education is of great significance to improve the capacity and quality of grassroots cadres,consolidate the party's basic-level organization construction,and promote the development of social undertakings at the grass-roots level.This article adopts the combination of literature research and case analysis methods,expounding education on grassroots cadres in the new period from four aspects: firstly,this article systematically reviewed the history of Chinese cadre education.During the new democratic revolution period,the party experienced continuous change and development with changing of the revolution situation in a difficult environment.Continuous innovation of cadre education is required according to the revolutionary work,laid a foundation for a final victory of the revolution.It has also accumulated rich experience in history.During the construction period,the party focused on cultivating cadres with the abilities to lead economic construction and development,training cadres with the knowledge and cultural level in a large-scale.However,during the later phase of this period,the cadre education went into a period of twists and turns with developments: under the background of peace and development,the cadre education continuously developed towards standardization and institutionalization since the launch of the reform and opening-up policy,and the cadre education system gradually formed.According to the development history,this article analyzed the new circumstances of the cadre education focusing on the period after the 18 th of China Central Adult Video(CCAV).Secondly,this paper expounds the cadre education ideas from the Chinese contemporary leader.Ideas from Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao were analyzed and summarized,this paper also analyses and explores the new development of Xi Jinping's idea about general cadre education in details.This paper focuses on their important statement as the theoretical basis,providing a theoretical foundation for case analysis and corresponding suggestions.Thirdly,the paper analysis the empirical case study of grassroots cadre's education in the new period taking Yibin city in Cuiping distinct as an example.A detail and concrete analysis was done on cadres' situations,cadres' educational institutions,main actions,special achievements and shortcomings in this area.It points out that primary education on grass-roots cadres still relatively lags behind,the associated management mechanism is yet to be improved;Approaches,content,and effect of grassroots cadre education training cannot meet the requirements.In addition,infrastructure construction is imperfect and so on.Fourthly,this article provides suggestions on enhancing carder's education system basing on the historical experiences of China's cadre education and guidance of leaders.As a basis of the present situation in Yibin city and its deficiency,this paper proposed methods of deepening the concept of grassroots cadres education,improving the grassroots cadres education system construction,and suggestions on strengthening the construction cadre education.Articles focus on highlighting the importance and urgency of the education of cadres at the grassroots level provides certain reference value for improving the grassroots cadre education work in a more scientific level,boosting the quality and ability of cadres at the grass-roots level comprehensively,promoting the party's cadres and the party's basic-level organization construction,facilitating the development of various undertakings of the party and the country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grassroots cadres, The cadre education, Grassroots cadres education
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