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Research On Patriotism Education From The Perspective Of "Community Of Common Destiny"

Posted on:2018-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330515471705Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,the frequent international exchanges,the profound impact of each other has become obvious increasingly with the further deepening of globalization,formed“you have me,I have you” interlocking state relations between the states and states,and will be more closely in the future.In this regard,the Chinese leaders put forward the“Community of Common Destiny" which based on the profound understanding of the world situation,international development trends,and the latest thinking of contemporary international relations,global issues.“Community of Common Destiny" is China foreign strategic vision of the top design,and has been a significant logo of China's foreign exchanges.Patriotism is an inexhaustible motive force for encouraging and unifying the development of the Chinese nation.It has a distinctive epoch and changes with the development of the times.On the one hand,patriotism,under the vision of the “Community of Common Destiny",has opened up a new field of patriotism education and research,enriched the content of patriotism education,expanded the perspective of patriotism education,put forward higher requirements for patriotism education.It is the enrichment and development of the connotation of traditional patriotism education.On the other hand,the cultivation of international vision and world vision of contemporary patriotism education which need advanced and correct concept guidance to avoid narrow understanding of national interests and national relations,to avoid the growth of extreme nationalist sentiment,and thus affect the long-term interests of the country to consider Strategic deployment.The combination of patriotism and the development of the times requires both nationals to pay attention to the future fate of their own country,to link personal development with the fate of the country,and to pay attention to the whole world and the whole of humanity,to bring the country into the human destiny and combine the development of the country with the future of the world.The main contents of this paper are as follows: The first chapter introduces the new concept of patriotism education-“Community of Common Destiny”,and interpretate it from background,basic connotation,development context,theoretical traceability and other aspects which explainits superiority and correctness.The second chapter expounds the new recognition of the patriotic education under the perspective of “Community of Common Destiny”.The contents of the patriotic education should reflect the spirit of the times.Under the “Community of Common Destiny”,the patriotic education has a new development,which manifests itself in three aspects: implement two dreams-the Chiniese dream and the world dream;cultivate "three consciousness" : international consciousness,symbiotic consciousness,national consciousness;adhere to the socialist road with Chinese characteristicsand and cultivate rational "global citizens" with Chinese characteristics.Secondly,the relationship between the concept of “Community of Common Destiny” and the patriotic education is discussed.The third chapter reviews the current situation and the challenges of the patriotic education in our country from the build of patriotism education under the “Community of Common Destiny” and two dimensions toand which includ domestic and international.The fourth Chapter introduces the promotion and development strategy of the patriotic education under the “Community of Common Destiny”.Including patriotism education in a holistic,open and symbiotic way of thinking,to grasp the principles of patriotism education under the new requirements,to increase or enhance the content of patriotism education,to adhere to the patriotism education main front and innovate patriotism education way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community of Common Destiny, patriotism education, new knowledge, strategy
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