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A Study On The Main Contributions Of Lord Denning To English Legal Reform After World War?

Posted on:2017-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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Lord Denning, as one of Britain's most famous judge after world war ?,through his judicial activities, has greatly promoted the development and reform of the English law. Lord Denning in the "family life" of his own autobiography has summed up his legal thought in three aspects: " justice" and "freedom under the law" and "put your trust in God", which were always permeated with the judicial and academic activities of Lord Denning, was the ideological basis of the legal outcome.The English law follows the doctrine of precedent, as a judge of Lord Denning, it was through trials directly promoted the development of English law. For example, he created “the doctrine of promissory estoppels” in “High Trees”, which made up for the shortcomings of consideration; invented Mareva Injunction in the “Mareva v. International Bulk Carriers Company ”,which provided effective relief of litigation for creditor; in the field of administrative law, expanded the scope of judicial review of the court for public authorities through a series of trial, which curbed the abuse of administrative power; established the right of residence of the abandoned wife and protection of married women's share in the family property though the adjudgements of the family cases, which promoted the reforms of the family law; and put forward reform proposals for legal assistance and defamation law in combined with his own judicial practice. These contributions to a great extent changed the trajectory of British law, and let British law to conform to the development of modern society. Although our law and English law belong to different legal systems, but this does not prevent our country to absorb and learn from the relevant mature legal system and the outstanding legal thoughts of western scholars. Lord Denning judicial fairness and freedom of legal thoughts are worth us studying, and his specific contributions of the English legal development after world war ? provided useful inspiration for relevant aspects of the legal system construction in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lord Denning, Justice, Freedom under the law, Put your trust in God
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