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A Research On “Station Street Woman" In The Urban Village

Posted on:2018-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330536956585Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a social chronic illness and cure disease,"station street woman" existence and spread,like a terrible plague,test the government's management capacity and level.Since the reform and opening up,with the deepening of the process of urbanization,prostitution activities resurgence."Street woman" as the lowest level of sex workers,which triggered the breeding of crime,sexually transmitted diseases and corruption of the social atmosphere and other issues become increasingly serious,has become the current Chinese society to solve the problem.At present,China is in the context of urbanization and legalization,from the source of governance "station street female" phenomenon,it is more urgent and necessary.Therefore,this topic has important practical significance.In this paper,it analyzes the present situation and the difficulties of the phenomenon of "station street women" in the middle of the village of Longhua New District,Shenzhen,through the unannounced visits and field investigation.As the Longhua New Town,the village of most of the staff of migrant workers by the migrant workers,including a serious proportion of male and female disorders and the existence of security management loopholes,to the "street woman" to provide a breeding ground.Longhua New District City Village "Station Street woman" Lao Touxiao there is a strong mobility,widely distributed and other characteristics,by the "street street woman" caused by corrupt social atmosphere,causing malignant cases and infectious diseases and other issues caused by the social impact is extremely poor,There are difficult to combat the process of governance and difficult to prevent management and other issues."Station street female" phenomenon and social transformation between the inevitable link.Its existence is the result of the interdependence,influence and effect of many factors.Both complex social,economic reasons,there are management reasons,as well as the legal system is not comprehensive reasons.The social reasonsinclude the unbalanced economic development,the large population flow,the severe employment pressure,and the management aspects of the economic aspects of the economic aspects of the economic development,The reasons include the lagging behind the public safety mechanism,the lack of police force and the backwardness of the evidence.The social information system is not perfect.The legal reasons include poor legislation and lax enforcement.The principle of "people-oriented",the principle of flexible governance,the principle of multi-party participation can be managed from eight aspects: one is to promote the village "encirclement" management mode,the second is to establish a sound tower management mechanism,Three is to promote the "cat's eye" video construction project,five is to increase the city village "station street women" crackdown,six is ??to improve the criminal legal norms,seven is to establish Longhua New District social help system,eight is to improve the public security administrative law enforcement financial security mechanism.The purpose of this study is to provide a reference for the governance of the phenomenon of "station street women" in the village of Shenzhen City and other areas in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Villages, streetwalkers, governance, Longhua District
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