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A Study Of Rural Cadres Corruption For Agricultural Poverty Alleviation

Posted on:2018-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515955198Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Presently,China is already the world's second largest economy country.From the view of economy structure,the proportion of agriculture is limited,but from the view of working population and social stability,nearly 600 million people still live in the villages and towns,and engaged in those jobs about agriculture.How to solving the "three rural problems",is the key problem for affecting china's future development.Recently,China has paid more and more attention to the "three rural problems".And then the paper puts forward the strategy of targeted poverty alleviation,plan to 2020,the rural poor implementation will all out of poverty.In order to complete these goals,lot of poverty alleviation money,funds,and all kinds of agriculture transfers areinvested into rural areas.Then the use of these funds,the work of examination and approval,determination,distribution for poverty alleviation are needs to be done through rural cadres.Firstly,we must affirm them for their work,but also we should understand their work have brought large amounts of corruption,which seriously impact on the stability of rural grassroots,restrict the construction of new rural strategy.Therefore,from the perspective of theory and practice,studying and discussing the reason of corruption and corresponding countermeasure has become the consensus of the strategic level.This study is about rural cadres corruption for agricultural poverty alleviation,it depends on theories about the rent-seeking theory,and the construction of punishment and prevention system of the Communist Party of China.The paper summarizes all kinds of corruption of the village cadres in the field of poverty alleviation,such as misrepresentation and extract,abusing government power for personal gain,diverted the interest related people confused,rooking everyone he can get his claws into,diversing funds for other purposes and so on.On the basis of the above,this paper expounds the causes of corruption for village cadres agricultural areas for poverty alleviation,there are the objective reasons:rural financial management system is not sound,the grassroots power supervision mechanism is imperfect,village cadres election and appointment of relatively is opaque and punishment strength to corruption of agricultural areas for poverty alleviation is not strong,etc.;Subjective reasons mainly are:the rural cadres political literacy and comprehensive quality is low,legal consciousness and the concept of discipline are weak,conception of values is distorted,etc.Finally,on the basis of the analysis of these reasons,the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.In the theoretical level,this study will provide some material for the construction of punishment and prevention system of the Communist Party of China;In the field of practice,I hope this paper can provide practical countermeasures for China's rural cadres corruption governance to agricultural poverty alleviation.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural cadres, agricultural poverty alleviation, corruption, prevention and control strategy
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