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Research On The Protection Of The Right Of Housing In Marriage

Posted on:2018-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Q ZhaiFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,with the rapid growth of housing prices,the housing problem has become a hot topic of concern to all sectors of society.The importance of housing to mankind as food and clothing is the basic survival needs of human life.Most of the housing are used for marriage and family life is the marriage housing,marriage housing is the basic place for couples living together,the stability of the couple to maintain the harmony and harmony of marriage and family has important significance.The change of the real right of the marriage house has a great influence on the right of the spouse's marriage and housing,and the ownership of the marriage right is divided into two kinds:one is the husband and wife,and the other is the common.This article mainly discusses the husband and wife to arbitrarily punish the common marriage house and the husband and wife side of the disposal of individual marriage house in both cases,the other spouse marriage housing rights how to protect the problem.The first part introduces the meaning and concept of housing right,the meaning of marriage house and the right of housing in marriage,and the significance of protecting the right of marriage house.The right of housing in marriage is the embodiment of the right of housing in the field of marriage and family.The right of housing in marriage is the marriage house as the object.The marriage house is the only residence of the husband and wife or all of them for the common life of the family.The right of housing in marriage is the right of the spouse to live and use the marriage house,can be divided into marriage house ownership and marriage residence right according to the subject.The second part mainly argues that between the interests of the third party and the co-owner's right of housing in marriage,it should give priority to the protection of the right of housing in marriage.It expounds the determination of the common marriage housing,the punishment of the husband and wife on the common housing and the system of goodwill.The third part come up with an idea of non-property's rights of housing in marriage can not be ignored and need to be protected when the owner punished the marriage house.Protection of non-property rights of the right of housing in marriage is based on the needs of the real,to protect their right of housing in marriage is to protect their right to life,is conducive to family stability,to achieve the value of marriage law.The fourth part analyzes the protection of the right of housing in marriage in foreign countries by means of comparative analysis,and provides some ideas for the protection of the right of housing in marriage in our country.The fifth part elaborates the problems existing in the legislation of protecting the right of marriage and housing,and puts forward the countermeasures to protect the right of marriage and housing.It is suggested that the marriage house should be publicized,and the system of residence right of marriage and housing should be constructed.
Keywords/Search Tags:The right of housing in marriage, Bona fide acquisition, The right of habitation about marriage house
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