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Research On The Housing Policy

Posted on:2018-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515487607Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From 1980s,China began to reform the housing system and gradually established a market-oriented housing distribution system.Housing monetization reform had improved the number of urban residents and the quality of housing,the current housing consumption needs of residents could basically be resolved in the market.The development of urbanization and the growth of residents 'income have determined that China's housing demand will continue to be strong in the future for quite some time.But the market has also led to soaring prices,the price of commodity housing that the market can supply is much higher than the income of low-income families,there is a considerable part of the family that are not able to enter the free market for housing consumption,they must be given housing security by the government.At the same time,the gap between income gaps are getting large,residents' housing affordability is getting worse.Therefore,the government need not only to improve the overall housing affordability of urban residents,the low-income families' housing service should become the focus of the new era of housing policy.The housing affordability indicator is a common indicator of whether a resident has housing difficulties,and whether the residents have the financial capacity to buy or rent a house in the market.The country's housing security policy is a concrete way to solve the housing problem of residents,an important guarantee for the smooth progress of urbanization,but also an important measure to maintain social justice and alleviate social contradictions.Based on the relevant research at home and abroad,this paper analyzes the housing affordability for commercial houses and affordable houses of 35 large and medium-sized cities' citizens under the conditions of commercial loan and housing provident fund loans,evaluating urban residents' housing affordability on the whole and the role of affordable housing and housing provident fund system.And then the housing problem of urban residents in Wuhan City has been studied more closely.Through the study of housing income ratio and residual income method,the housing affordability of residents in Wuhan has been analyzed.By measuring the availability on commodity housing market and rental market,as well as the Wuhan City public rental housing rental subsidy policy level of protection,we found that there are different levels of housing difficulties for low-income families,the residents' rental capacity is significantly better than the purchase capacity.Finally,after thinking about China's housing security policy,put forward my own recommendations,mainly the use of different housing payment capacity indicators to assess the degree of housing difficulties;ensuring that the residents of the housing capacity as the focus of housing security system;development and improvement of housing leasing market;improving the housing provident fund system;improving the local government assessment mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:housing affordability, housing fund, housing policy, house leasing
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