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The Connotative Development Research Of The Grass-roots Cultural In The Armed Motorized Divisions

Posted on:2015-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330509460793Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Culture is the bloodline and the soul of an army. To achieve the goal of strengthenning the army, which includes complying with the Party, being able to win, maintaining a good style and full development of soldiers, culture is required to support building a modern armed motorized division. The armed motorized division, as an importante part of the armed forces, plays a great role in keeping stability, flood control and protection of safety. In the Communist Party's 18 th National Party Congress in China has made to promote socialist cultural nation-building. The CMC has issued “CMC Views to Develop Advanced Military Culture”. The Chinese Armed Police Force has also promulgated “Outline of Advanced Military Culture in Chinese Armed Police Force”. It has been an important subject for us to avoid the homogeneous development and the scale development which are the extended development and become the conotative development in order to strenthen the army with both moral support and intellectual support.In the thesis, the organizational culture theory is introduced first. The great guiding significance of the organizational culture theory for the conotative development of the grass-roots culture in the armed motorized divisions is expounded. Based on the investigation and analysis, this article has pointed out the problems and reasons that existed in the grass-roots cultural construction of the armed motorized divisions. With the method of comparative analysis, this article has compared the similarities and the differences between the construction of the local culture in National University of Defense Technology, The Second Artillery Force and the armed motorized divisions. We found the inspiration in construction of local culture of the armed motorized divisions. Then, the writer further analyses the qualities, development goals and basical principles of the grass-roots cultural construction of the armed motorized divisions. This article is also proposed the stuctures, basic contents,development strategies and judge standard in the conotative development of the cultural construction of the future motorized divisions and made a preliminary demonstration. Finally, this article shows some real cases to analysis the feasibility of the plan.In the thesis, plenty of theoretic research achivements such as the organization culture theory, the military culture construction and the management theory are comprehensively used. The author reflected deeply on the grass-roots cultural of the armed motorized divisions ralated to his own work practice and proposed the feasible ways to pratice the conotative development. This article adopted combination methods of the theoretical explanations and the empirical analysis, the questionnaire survey and the summarize, the contrastive analysis and the systerm analysis method. A basic mode of the grass-roots cultural of the armed motorized divisions is established. This paper has instructional function to the practical application on the grass-roots cultural construction of the army.
Keywords/Search Tags:armed motorized divisions, grass-roots cultural, connotative development
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