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Research On Drugs And Crime In Laos

Posted on:2017-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330503964715Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From drug discovery to mankind all countries are currently facing serious drug problem,We can clearly see that the fight against drugs and prevention is not just a state of things,As the drug has the tendency of globalization and transnational,This requires countries in the world on Drugs and Crime to conduct joint prevention,This will be the key to the future to effectively combat drug atavistic?For faced with the spread of drugs in Southeast Asia,UNODC has become induce these countries have other root causes of crime,We Laos is a country in Southeast Asia for not exempt?These drugs are smuggled through the same methods?transportation?transport, etc. from entering the country,Through the border areas of the country into the cities and towns across the country?It is a direct human drugs produce great harm,Not only does it destroy slavery some young,And so that young people took the criminal path,Drugs also hinder social and economic development,Triggered social unrest and the state?In the 21 st century,Drug problem, there are still increasing trend,This is because a huge temptation to use under,There is someone into drug cultivation?production and transport activities?To better understand the various issues related to drug crime,Understand the kind of drugs on people's lives and health hazards,Government regulations in the Code of Criminal Procedure concerning prevention?control?Suppression and counter narcotics and other basic aspects of management measures,To manage social?Research on Drugs and Crime in this article is the author of Laos use expertise and relevant knowledge and practical experience in the Lao Supreme People's Procuratorate to collect and summarize information,Listen to the recommendations of the instructor and the students' opinions,Combining education and research and analysis of the results of a comprehensive scientific?I believe this paper can give students?These researchers and people interested in drug-related crimes related to inspiration?Although the paper has been completed,However, due to the author's lack of skill,There are all sorts of problems and defects,I very much hope that readers sound advice and recommendations drugs Laos?This paper is the study of Laos on Drugs and Crime,Whole is divided into three sections,The first section is a directory,The main contents of the second plate,The third section Conclusion,This paper is divided into four chapters in generalThe first chapter?A Brief History of the Lao People's Democratic Republic law and Drug Status?Legal Brief History of the Lao People's Democratic Republic,Basic knowledge of the historical background and drug Laos,Causes of the drug addicts in Laos,Serious harm and consequences of drugs produced in Laos?influences?The second chapter?Use strategy to follow smuggling?Transport target drug crime,The importance of content,Use strategic actions follow smuggling transporting drugs target,To follow the drug trade target selection and judgment,On drugs and crime fighting methods to get rid of?The third chapter?control?Suppression and counter narcotics,Control drugs and chemicals,control?Obligations and responsibilities and suppress counter drugs?Laos inspection and drug control agency,Relations and cooperation with international,Impact of policies on personnel,Easy to produce drug funding,For the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts and vocational training?The chapter IV?Drug content and measures to make those who violate drug taken in order to,Content Laos injunction,Measures for violation of the prohibition of gambling orders taken,Criminal proceedings on drug provision,Further projections of Lao drug crime,Conclusion Laos modify drug crime,main reference,Acknowledgements?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Drugs, Drugs and Crime, Research
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